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Rapport de stage en relations internationales

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9 résultats

05 Janv. 2012

The process of state and nation-building in Germany

Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Relations internationales

According to Waly and Denly, 'judged purely by its success in creating a nation-state, German history has to be deemed a failure until the nineteenth century'. Even though historians still argue over the beginning of Germany's history, some of them emphasize the importance of the...

02 Janv. 2012

The French economic diplomacy towards China

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Relations internationales

Bilateral trade between France and China has developed dramatically over the last twenty years. From about €10 billion in 1995, trade volume increased to more than €40 billion today. The annual growth rates of these exchanges- apart from 2009, marked by the global crisis- have reached...

30 Nov. 2011

International Humanitarian Law

Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Relations internationales

Critically analyse the prohibition against the use of mercenaries in Article 47 of API. - Would the Brigade of Gurkhas or the French Foreign Legion be considered as mercenaries under this definition ? - Evaluate the extent to which the UN Convention on Mercenaries develops the law in this area....

02 Nov. 2011

Le Bureau de Liaison juridique de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Rapport de stage - 41 pages - Relations internationales

Depuis toujours, je suis attirée par l'étranger et le « melting pot ». J'ai eu la chance d'être initiée très jeune aux langues étrangères, avec une mère d'origine espagnole et des parents conscients que la maîtrise de l'anglais était un atout « pour plus tard ». J'ai rapidement pris goût au...

26 juil. 2011

To what extent does the resolution of the 2005 so-called "Bra War" contribute to a better understanding of the Union's trade negotiation agenda?

Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Relations internationales

This study does not aim at weighing the pros and the cons of EU's way of dealing with the impending Chinese textiles competition, nor does it try to assess European Member States' (MSs) ability to reach consensus during trade negotiation rounds. Building on Robert Putnam's heuristic...

23 juin 2011

Treaty of Rome and social policies

Rapport de stage - 1 pages - Relations internationales

On 25 March, 1957, six founders - France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg - signed the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), a common market with free movement of goods, capital, labor and services. In this paper, we will try to understand the...

25 Janv. 2011

Comparison of the British counter terrorist policies and strategies: The IRA and Al Qaeda

Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Relations internationales

This essay compares the British strategies toward two different cases: the IRA and Al Qaeda. It underlines the main similarities and differences in both cases and also gives an overview of their historical facts. Through the comparison of both cases, this essay shows how the similarities are...

21 Nov. 2010

The action of the International Monetary Fund in the world

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Relations internationales

“The International Monetary Fund is established and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement as originally adopted and subsequently amended” asserts the first clause of the Articles of Agreement. Set up after the Second World War as a response to the world...

29 févr. 2008

Rapport de stage: Association V-Glob Volontaire-globalisation (Placement report)

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Relations internationales

Attracted by humanitarian work since a very long time, I seized the opportunity given to me during my third year of 'applied foreign languages' studies to do a work placement in a non-profit organisation in a third world country. I had been unable to find a placement during term time, as...