Case study of Chalet Exquis, an online business
Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Stratégie
“The range of digital media is vast and is growing rapidly. The internet provides a wide variety of activities, including electronic mail, global information access and retrieval systems, discussion groups, multiplayer's games and file transfer facilities.” (chris fill, fifth edition)....
Management de la relation client et du marketing - Développement de la notoriété
Mémoire de stage - 90 pages - Marketing des services
La notoriété est requise chaque fois qu'il est nécessaire de "connaître" une marque ou un produit ou une entreprise afin de former son image. Cette image peut aussi être façonnée par la notoriété de la marque ou du produit ou de l'entreprise, notamment grâce aux « bouches à oreille »....
Comment les banques peuvent-elles optimiser la gestion des risques tout en respectant les exigences règlementaires croissantes et en maintenant leur rentabilité ?
Rapport de stage - 35 pages - Finance
Cette présentation a pour but d'explorer le modèle de la Société Générale, une institution bancaire majeure en France et sur la scène internationale. Nous débuterons par un aperçu de l'entreprise en revisitant son histoire et en examinant les moments clés qui ont façonné son développement...
Event Merchandising Limited (rapport de stage 2006)
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation
Event Merchandising Limited develops and markets merchandise to a world-wide audience. It works closely with new and established brands. From blue chip corporate requirements to selling at live events, from setting up licensing programme to running online shops. Whether the requirement is...
MaxRoam analysis
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie
MaxRoam is a service provided by Cubic Telecom, a global mobile communications company. Actually, MaxRoam is a small agency based in Ireland, which employs currently less than 20 people. MaxRoam was the first to sell micro Sims for iPads, beating all the big telecommunications companies. MaxRoam...
Training Period Report at Issues & Answers
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Marketing des services
My work placement as an international intern in the global Market Research company named Issues & Answers Network, allowed me to discover the Market Research field and to work in an international environment coping with different cultures. Furthermore, this work placement allowed me to discover...
The impact of smart phones on business and private life
Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation
Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...
Placement report: The launch of eBay in an OXFAM charity shop
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Management organisation
From the 13th of May to the 4th of August, I was in Bristol, a town from the South West of England. From the beginning, I knew that I wanted to go to England because it is the nearest country to learn English and also because I was interested to discover its culture its system a little more. My...
Overview of SWOT framework
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Management organisation
An organization often analyzes the following: How to develop a product, complete a project and solve a problem. The question then arises: How to carry out the above actions? The first step is to set a goal then define the objectives, constraints and finally describe the limits of the action (What...
Business Ethics: Dior
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie
Christian Dior was founded in 1905 in Normandy. In 1946, Dior opened his legendary home at 30 Avenue Montaigne. In February 1947, Dior launched his first collection called Corolle, where women were drawn like flowers. It was the beginning of the success story. Every fashion book said that the...
Tata Motors: Current and new business strategies
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Management organisation
With USD 8.8 billion revenues in 2007-08, Tata Motors is the largest Indian automobile company; it holds a very good place on the Indian market because it is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. The company is also the world's fourth largest truck...
Dunnes Stores Georges Street - Loyalty Card Program
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing consommateur
The purpose of this study is to understand how loyalty programs represent a specific area with specific rules to be efficient and attracting customers with special rewards requires constant adaptation in the approach of driving a promotional strategy. Among the changes associated with the...
Human resources and recruitment
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Ressources humaines
Privacy could be defined as “the freedom to selectively reveal one's self” (CSO Magazine, Logan Roots). Today, we may be frustrated by all the existing instruments created to collect those private pieces of information that most of the time we released by ourselves....
Croissance de micro-algues au sein d'une lagune à forte charge : Influence du temps de rétention hydraulique sur la production de biomasse et sur les capacités de traitement (français et anglais)
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Biologie
Les lagunes à hautes charges (désignées par l'acronyme anglais HRAP pour High Rate Algal Ponds) sont des systèmes naturels destinés à l'épuration d'eaux résiduelles issues de l'industrie ou de zones urbaines. Ce système repose sur une interaction entre les micro-algues de ces lagunes (qui...
Internship Report - Publicis Frankfurt GmbH (2006)
Rapport de stage - 43 pages - Marketing des services
I undertook and completed my 1st year internship assignment within the highly reputed international German advertising agency Publicis Frankfurt GmbH from 1st September 2005 to 31st July 2006. Publicis Frankfurt is ranked among Germany's top 4 advertising agencies. Publicis Frankfurt has a...
A new line of San Francisco-style sourdough bread: "Au bon moulin" company- the authentic bread
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Management organisation
“Au bon Moulin” was created in 2000 in France by Dubois' family. This familial bakery opened its doors with a new concept for the bakery industry. Indeed, Dubois' family wanted to make “green bread” with raw materials produced ecologically and make their bread in ecological...
Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit
During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...
Stage au sein de l'agence marketing online : Lead Generators
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Marketing technologies
En entrant à l'ISCOM il y a deux ans je pensais être faite pour l'événementiel et les relations presse. Les stages et cas pratiques m'ont prouvés le contraire : au fur et à mesure je me suis rendue compte que je n'est aucune aptitude pour l'écriture et que je ne suis finalement peu intéressée par...
Analyse et Conduite de la Relation Commerciale (ACRC) session 2009 de Carrefour
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Management organisation
Le groupe Carrefour se situe parmi les plus importants hypermarchés et supermarchés de France. En effet, ce groupe est devenu un leader de la distribution dans le monde ; deuxième distributeur mondial et premier distributeur en France. Il développe aujourd'hui quatre formats principaux de...
Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States,...
The Distribution Channel
Rapport de stage - 64 pages - Stratégie
A distribution channel is a way of delivering goods and services between the manufacturers and the customers. The distribution channel is chosen to cover the widest possible target market Choices of the decisions about the product (definition, caracteristics, packaging…) What is...
Business Strategy of consulting marketing firm "Le Tre Caravelle (tourism, real estate)"
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Marketing tourisme
Le Tre Caravelle is a marketing company specialized in the field of tourism, hotel and real estate. This company, based in Milan, primarily works off line on advertising and events, such as "planning and management of multi-media campaign, stands and fairs", but also and more particularly...
The British Council (2009-2010)
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Stratégie
My school HEM (High Establishment of Management) organized a special training that is scheduled in the middle of the academic year during 6 weeks for its student's, by choosing one of the institutes within or outside our country specialized in teaching English as a language that it's used in many...
The Truman Show: Movie Review
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Cinéma
Many elements in the Truman Show illustrate the reality of our current society and how it works. I will particularly talk about the attitude of viewers who, perhaps unwittingly, are partly responsible for the broadcasting of this kind of program (reality TV shows). I shall also tackle the ethical...
Cloud Computing - Overview, layers, usages and benefits
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Théories marketing
What is cloud computing? The main idea of this new concept of the computer science, is that you can get the power you need whenever you want. How can it be possible? In fact, cloud computing is a new paradigm of computing infrastructure. But what is so incredible in cloud computing to qualify it...
Discuss the relevance of Gesteland's dimensions in relation to analyzing intercultural business communication
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie
By the end of the 20th century, 80 percent of the U.S. products were competing in the international market. This fact emphasizes the globalization of the world's economy. The changing environment and increasing complexity of the 21st century workplace makes communication even more important. In...
Changes in corporate identity: Importance of 'image makeover' to organizations
Rapport de stage - 2 pages - Management organisation
From the basic wholesaler on the corner of your street to the strong multinational chocolate factory Ferrero, every organization has its own identity. According to Van Riel and Balmer (1997), identity presents the company's competitive advantage by putting forward its individuality...
Rapport de stage effectué au sein du département marketing de l'entreprise Steek
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Marketing des services
Steek est une ISP (Internet Service Provider), c'est-à-dire qu'elle propose des offres de services internet. Elle a comme clients des particuliers ainsi que des entreprises. Son activité consiste principalement à stocker les données de ses clients sur internet. Ce service de stockage...
Rapport de stage : Valorisation d'un site internet de poker
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Marketing technologies
Polepositionpoker est un site ayant pour objectif principal la vente et la promotion du Logiciel PPHUD. Qu'est-ce que le logiciel PPHUD ? Le logiciel PPHUD est un logiciel statistique de poker. Celui-ci permet, sans rentrer dans les détails, de fournir une multitude de données mathématiques...
Comment écrire un rapport de stage en anglais pour l'hôtellerie restauration
Rapport de stage - 30 pages - Marketing de la restauration
Ce document vous indique étape par étape comment rédiger un rapport dans le cadre d'un stage dans l'hôtellerie restauration.