Human Resources Management Comparison: France and US
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Ressources humaines
Human Resources Management, summed up recently by Storey, is "a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques"...
Croissance de micro-algues au sein d'une lagune à forte charge : Influence du temps de rétention hydraulique sur la production de biomasse et sur les capacités de traitement (français et anglais)
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Biologie
Les lagunes à hautes charges (désignées par l'acronyme anglais HRAP pour High Rate Algal Ponds) sont des systèmes naturels destinés à l'épuration d'eaux résiduelles issues de l'industrie ou de zones urbaines. Ce système repose sur une interaction entre les micro-algues de ces lagunes (qui...
L'optimisation du suivi des projets de construction grâce au Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Mémoire de stage - 95 pages - Électronique, mécanique, ingénierie & technologie
Ce mémoire a été rédigé en vue de l'obtention du diplôme d'Ingénieur option Génie Civil. Le contexte de cette étude est l'optimisation du suivi des projets de construction, grâce au déploiement d'outils BIM. Les outils seront préalablement analysés par une recherche généraliste,...
Designing a waiting room for children in a hospital, supervised by Eureka, the Museum for children
Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Architecture
This is the report about my placement in EUREKA!, the children's museum in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. In the following pages, this report attempts to highligh a global view of a design project such as a children's waiting room in a hospital and on a wider scale, the work of...
Tata Motors: Current and new business strategies
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Management organisation
With USD 8.8 billion revenues in 2007-08, Tata Motors is the largest Indian automobile company; it holds a very good place on the Indian market because it is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. The company is also the world's fourth largest truck...
The identification, enumeration and survival of probiotic cultures in commercial bio yoghurts
Rapport de stage - 41 pages - Biologie
My work placement in Northern Ireland took place on the Loughry Campus, which provides education and training programs for students who aspire to pursue a career in the agro-food industry and also for postgraduate persons. In recent years, Loughry has developed a wide range of courses in Food...
Accompagnement d'enfants autistes au centre de développement des Filles de la Charité de Nazareth
Rapport de stage - 51 pages - Médecine
Le master 2 Coopération et Solidarité internationale vient compléter ma formation de pharmacie en lui donnant une dimension "humanitaire" à laquelle je tenais. Elle m'apporte des notions et des connaissances qui me permettent d'appréhender le travail de terrain. Afin de compléter la...
Training Period Report at Issues & Answers
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Marketing des services
My work placement as an international intern in the global Market Research company named Issues & Answers Network, allowed me to discover the Market Research field and to work in an international environment coping with different cultures. Furthermore, this work placement allowed me to discover...
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Rapport de stage - 26 pages - Physique
My three month internship took place in National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, south city of Taiwan. The National Cheng Kung University is ranked the second among all universities nationwide. I worked in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The Department focuses on intense...
The changing meaning of luxury in Europe
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Stratégie
No longer reserved for the selected few, luxury is now within the reach of a much larger consumer segment. In this analysis we ask Europeans what constitutes luxury? in their everyday life. As the prospects for obtaining a certain level of material wealth is fulfilled - or it is within...
Gestion et optimisation de processus de reporting financier : Accenture
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Finance
C'est chez Accenture, entreprise leader dans le monde du conseil en hautes technologies, intégration de systèmes et externalisation, que j'ai effectué mon stage de fin d'études. Le projet initial prévoyait la mise en place d'un outil basé sur une interface Web utilisant de nouvelles technologies...
Rapport de stage informatique en Angleterre
Rapport de stage - 35 pages - Informatique
Rapport de stage en anglais effectué au CTAC (centre de recherche) à l'université de Coventry en Angleterre, dans le cadre d'une formation en IUT Génie Electrique et Informatique Industriel (GE2I) à Nancy.
Société A.S.I. Média : entreprise de services informatiques et multimédias à destination des petites entreprises
Rapport de stage - 57 pages - Informatique
La vocation de la société A.S.I. Média est d'apporter dans le meilleur délai, le soutien et l'assistance informatique aux artisans, commerçants, professions libérales et PME, grâce à des compétences de proximité, dans un secteur de Pessac animé et diversifié. Les activités vont du conseil...
Internship Report - Publicis Frankfurt GmbH (2006)
Rapport de stage - 43 pages - Marketing des services
I undertook and completed my 1st year internship assignment within the highly reputed international German advertising agency Publicis Frankfurt GmbH from 1st September 2005 to 31st July 2006. Publicis Frankfurt is ranked among Germany's top 4 advertising agencies. Publicis Frankfurt has a...
Dorel Juvenile Group
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing produit
Dorel Juvenile Group is a part of Dorel Industries, which is a global consumer products company. Dorel Industries is divided into three independent business segments: Juvenile, Home Furnishings and Leisure. Dorel employs approximately 4,800 people and its products are sold over 60 countries all...
L'impact de la digitalisation sur la force de vente dans une entreprise de services - Société APRILE
Mémoire de stage - 47 pages - Stratégie
Ce mémoire professionnel a été élaboré durant mon alternance au sein du service commercial de la société APRILE du 06 février 2023 au 31 octobre 2023. L'objectif de ce mémoire de stage est de comprendre les conséquences de la digitalisation du service commercial de la société sur sa force de...
Rapport de stage effectué au sein d'une concession automobile de luxe
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Marketing luxe
La société Prestige Cars est une concession automobile appartenant au groupe Barrat Automobiles et destinée à la vente et au service après-vente de trois marques de voitures de luxe : Jaguar, Land Rover & Volvo. La concession est inscrite dans le secteur d'activité du Commerce et Service...
Mathematical Solution for the attitude of Phoenix lander's radar (rapport de stage)
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Mathématiques
I was very lucky to go to the United States and finally get this kind of an internship because, I had been given the opportunity to work in one of the most productive scientific sector of the country, The Californian Institute of Technology. This American college is one of the research centres of...
Schneider presents the best manufacturing processes to satisfy customers' requirements
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Logistique
During the course of BA in business management (final year), we had to work in a foreign country. To improve my level of English, I took up an internship in Nu-Lec Industries, a company of Schneider Electric located in Brisbane in Australia. Schneider Electric is a worldwide company known to the...
Walt Disney World in Orlando: trainee as park greeter (2008)
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation
I stayed for two and a half months at the Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I worked at the main entrance of Typhoon Lagoon, and thereafter in the Water Park as a park greeter. I was determined to work at Walt Disney World because I was sure that I would acquire sufficient experience and...
Internship report: Hypovereinsbank
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation
In the south east of Asia, Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta. The territory was a British colony since 1842 and returned to China in 1997. Since this date, Hong Kong is called The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Half independent, half Chinese, the region...
The impact of smart phones on business and private life
Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation
Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...
ACI Galatée : Projet de diversification par un atelier « Fruits rouges » à LAPALISSE (03)
Mémoire de stage - 41 pages - Stratégie
« Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits » rappelle la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Bien souvent, ce texte fondateur est oublié. Ainsi, comment être libre et égal aux autres si l'on n'a pas de toit, de travail ni d'accès à la formation ?...
Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I learnt during...
Intership Report - Rocky Springs station
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Management organisation
This year, I spent 12 weeks on Rocky Springs Station: a cattle farm in North Queensland. I met people who helped me to understand a new way of farming in a different environment. North Queensland is a wild area with a very strong climatic pressure where it is very difficult to breed cattle....
Rapport de stage: Association V-Glob Volontaire-globalisation (Placement report)
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Relations internationales
Attracted by humanitarian work since a very long time, I seized the opportunity given to me during my third year of 'applied foreign languages' studies to do a work placement in a non-profit organisation in a third world country. I had been unable to find a placement during term time, as...
Le Parlement européen - une institution à deux visages - la réforme du statut des assistants parlementaires
Rapport de stage - 42 pages - Droit européen
Le Parlement européen forme avec le Conseil de l'Union européenne (UE) et la Commission européenne, le triangle institutionnel de l'Union européenne. Ils détiennent à eux trois, le pouvoir législatif des institutions européennes. Ce pouvoir est organisé et réparti par les Traités, chaque...
The development of teaching Nicolas
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie
The entry of Great Britain in the European Union in 1973 started the opening of the market of wine to a larger audience. This product became in a few years, a product of great consumption in England. It is on this report that the Castel group decides to make open stores in London. But the...
Rapport de stage au service infirmerie de la clinique Protestante
Rapport de stage - 64 pages - Médecine
Les hôpitaux et cliniques, en tant que producteurs de soins, font face à une évolution des contraintes les incitant à développer de nouvelles méthodes d'organisation.
Nursery School and Gender Construction
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
I chose to study the links between nursery schools and gender construction because I wanted to show how this institution plays an active role in the representations children have of their social role as boy or girl. As my research is mostly about the toys and the games of the children in the...