Designing a waiting room for children in a hospital, supervised by Eureka, the Museum for children
Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Architecture
This is the report about my placement in EUREKA!, the children's museum in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. In the following pages, this report attempts to highligh a global view of a design project such as a children's waiting room in a hospital and on a wider scale, the work of...
Rapport de stage "State Street Bank"
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Finance
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a sovereign state of 2 500 square kilometers bordered by Belgium, France and Germany. It has a population of over 455 000 of which 38.6 % are foreigners. The city of Luxembourg has a population of 77 300. Each working day, over 117 000 cross-border workers...
Rapport de stage de gestion d'exploitation polycultures et élevage
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Management organisation
For the end of my second year in Purpan, I've done my internship in a Montana Ranch.
Organizational Behavior
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation
I did a three-month internship in a real estate agency at Rennes. My main missions were to sell the company products, such as flats, land and houses. I also did some marketing tasks such as benchmarking and made a training course about negotiation and trade for employees. This internship...
Analysis starch in fibre
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Chimie
This document summarizes my training period at Tilbury in England. I chose this place in order to discover the English way of life and to improve my knowledge of English as well. I worked under the supervision of Andy Waterman and Tom Cripps and in collaboration with Renzi Virginie,...
Rapport de stage en Infographie
Rapport de stage - 41 pages - Autres médias
Durant mon contrat j'ai été amenée à travailler sur plusieurs projets simultanément dont je vais présenter le contenu dans les prochaines lignes. Par souci de clarté j'ai organisé la présentation par ordre de projets et non par ordre chronologique car il arrivait assez souvent que...
The company :Safety Matic
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing consommateur
During the second year in INSEEC Paris, we, the students have to fulfill a three month training period in a foreign country in a commercial function or any other function allowing us to ameliorate English, Spanish or the German language in order to have a concrete approach of foreign experience....
The British Council (2009-2010)
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Stratégie
My school HEM (High Establishment of Management) organized a special training that is scheduled in the middle of the academic year during 6 weeks for its student's, by choosing one of the institutes within or outside our country specialized in teaching English as a language that it's used...
Intership report at Fgx Company, New York
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Communication
As a first year student of the INSEEC business school, I had to do an internship in a foreign country during the three month of my summer period. I choose the company First Global Xpress, a small shipping company located in New York doing domestic and international shipping for small to...
Rapport de stage commercial en tant qu'assistant Middle-Office au sein de l'entreprise Société Générale Securities Services de Nantes
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Finance
Dans le cadre de mon cursus au sein de l'ESSCA j'ai la chance d'effectuer, à la fin de ma deuxième année académique un stage commercial en entreprise. Pour cela, j'ai, dès le mois de février engagé des démarches pour postuler à des stages. J'ai donc dans un premier temps...
The ethic issues concerning the fur industry
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Marketing luxe
I have always been very interested in fashion. For the last six months, I have been working as a communication manager's assistant at Victoria Couture, a luxury brand company that deals with clothing and accessories (bags, jewels and watches) for women and for children. My job profile...
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Rapport de stage - 26 pages - Physique
My three month internship took place in National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, south city of Taiwan. The National Cheng Kung University is ranked the second among all universities nationwide. I worked in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The Department focuses on...
What does it take to become a successful presidential candidate in American politics?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
San Francisco, on November, 15th, at the Civic Auditorium: thousands of people are waiting on the pavement for Barack Obama, Democrat candidate for the investiture to the presidential elections. He arrives, stands up near his car, takes a megaphone to reassure people: don't worry, you will...
Interview of a sales person of Renault in Guyancourt
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Management organisation
The interview was conducted in Renault Guyancourt, the Renault Center, close to Paris. The interview was arranged by me since the salesperson interviewed is my cousin. First of all, I have to say that it was rather hard to manage a time when we were both available which is the reason why,...
Strategic management
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation
Context: Our firm, SYNERGIA is a medium-sized company that makes environmentally friendly cosmetics - cosmetics cover different and important sectors of goods such as make-up, alcoholic fragrance, beauty and care products, hair care, body products ( ) We operate, up to this...
Comparative analysis of the key success factors in a public relations agency in GB and other countries. (Placement report)
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Management organisation
During June and July, I did my first internship in a public relations company based in London, called Bell Pottinger. I didn't know exactly what the challenges were in this field, so it was a chance to learn many new things. Chime Communications PLC is the holding company of 35...
Études et développement d'un laboratoire d'automatisme au CSTB
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Électronique, mécanique, ingénierie & technologie
L'union Européenne, lors de sa dernière commission, a fixé l'objectif de réduire des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et gagner 20% efficacité d'énergies d'ici 2020 en Europe. La France devra fournir un effort considérable pour se conformer à la loi de juillet 2005, dit loi ,qui...
Learned centered approach
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
In the teaching process, there are two main categories of actors: teachers, and students. I found important to notice that, through years, the students' environment changed a lot (school violence, diversity of the population, etc.) and therefore their needs changed as well. In the Secondary...
McDonald's: Strategic challenge and SWOT analysis
Rapport de stage - 47 pages - Stratégie
In the 90s, the firm had to cope with a number of challenges: The microwave oven, increasing health consciousness and competition. In 1999, as Jack Greenberg took over the reins of the firm, the situation was complicated due to competition between fast-food giants. McDonald's timelines: 1937:...
Rapport de stage effectué en tant qu'assistant logistique au sein du siège social de Leroy Merlin Grèce
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Logistique
Leroy Merlin décide de s'implanter en Grèce en 2005. Pendant plus de deux ans, l'entreprise entreprendra des études et des analyses avant de lancer son premier magasin en 2007, à l'aéroport Venizélos d'Athènes. Aujourd'hui, 5 ans plus tard, Leroy Merlin Grèce compte 5 magasins, dont un à Chypre....
Projets de logements sociaux, NIMBY, jeux d'acteurs
Rapport de stage - 47 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
A Montréal, suite à des tensions sur le marché locatif, un important programme de logements sociaux a été lancé en 2002 par la municipalité. Certaines installations se sont heurtées à une opposition qualifiée de syndrome NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) ou « Pas Dans Ma Cour » (PDMC). Les...
Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit
During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...
Pilotage de l'externalisation, de la prise de décision à son optimisation
Rapport de stage - 31 pages - Management organisation
Externaliser certaines activités ou fonctions de l'entreprise est devenu, depuis une vingtaine d'années, une stratégie de plus en plus utilisée. L'externalisation de production, très répandue dans des secteurs comme l'automobile ou la micro-informatique, a été la première à...
Rapport de stage en management au sein d'un complexe aquatique
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation
Pour notre seconde année en Dut GEA, nous devons faire un stage en entreprise d'une durée de deux mois dans le but d'appliquer la théorie à la pratique, nous permettant ainsi de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement d'une entreprise et mieux nous préparer à la vie professionnelle. J'ai donc choisi...
Rapport de stage chez S.T.A.T. à Milan
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation
I worked as a secretary during two months in a society called S.T.A.T. This company offers its services to small communes to collect taxes. Indeed in Italy each commune is intended to collect taxes for the state. There is no public service like the French one to collect taxes. It is the...
Rapport de stage chez Kiabi
Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Management organisation
Rapport de stage, en français et en anglais pour l'entreprise Kiabi Oviedo située en Espagne. Ce rapport est l'occasion de présenter l'entreprise Kiabi et les raisons de son succès auprès des couches "moyennes" de la population. Le rapport détaille donc la politique commerciale,...
Internship report: Hypovereinsbank
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation
In the south east of Asia, Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta. The territory was a British colony since 1842 and returned to China in 1997. Since this date, Hong Kong is called The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Half independent, half Chinese, the region...
Rapport de stage dans une brasserie
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Management organisation
Rapport de stage en anglais réalisé dans une brasserie à Malte. Celui-ci présente dans un premier temps l'entreprise, puis le système organisationnel de l'entreprise, avant d'aborder une critique sur le système de management. Document de 11 pages au format Word.
ELB International Trading & Sourcing Company, China June/ July 2008
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing international
China, 'The monster', 'The dragon of Asia', many names can define the perfectly economic, demographic, and geopolitic weight of this country in the world. Newly on the front of the international media stage due to the Olympic Games, China also speaks about it's economic...
Comment écrire un rapport de stage en anglais pour l'hôtellerie restauration
Rapport de stage - 30 pages - Marketing de la restauration
Ce document vous indique étape par étape comment rédiger un rapport dans le cadre d'un stage dans l'hôtellerie restauration.