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28 Nov. 2011

Strategic Management: Stribe Stout Company

Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation

Tribe Stout Company was founded in 1980 by John Murphy, a former Brewer who was awarded for his products. This is a small family-run company composed of about twenty employees. The company is in a very touristy city of Ireland, Galway. It creates local beer sold in hotels and bars only inside the...

02 Janv. 2012

Environmental issues linked to North-South relations posing a challenge for Geopolitics

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences politiques

Economic globalization, global media flows and the Internet seem to make our traditional conception of geopolitics, in terms of political geography and international relations, no longer appropriate. The deepening impacts of globalization, especially within North-South relations, have undeniably...

10 Nov. 2011

International Arbitration

Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Droit civil

With the growth of the business and financial world, it is more important for all these companies to have a quick and efficient method to resolve the possible disputes that can occur: this alternative dispute resolution method is the Arbitration. Definition and description of international...

11 Janv. 2008

Rapport de stage marketing : les laboratoires Boiron de Montréal

Rapport de stage - 30 pages - Management organisation

Rapport de stage sur les laboratoires Boiron de Montréal : description et historique du groupe, présentation du Canada et de Montréal, tâches effectuées (plusieurs études de marché, aide au packaging, aide à la préparation des commandes...), illustrations des produits, bilan...

12 Oct. 2007

Rapport de stage NETCOM cybercafé

Rapport de stage - 59 pages - Management organisation

Rapport d'un stage réalisé chez NETCOM cybercafé. Présentation de la société, des missions du stagiaire, du travail réalisé...

13 févr. 2008

Placement report: Assurances générales de France of Allianz AGF

Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Finance

The AGF Group is a major player in insurance and financial services, both in France and in more than twenty countries around the world. It has more than 60 billion clients from more than 70 countries world-wide. Backed by the n° 1 in European insurance, Allianz AG, of which it is a major entity,...

16 Mars 2008

Rapport de stage "State Street Bank"

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Finance

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a sovereign state of 2 500 square kilometers bordered by Belgium, France and Germany. It has a population of over 455 000 of which 38.6 % are foreigners. The city of Luxembourg has a population of 77 300. Each working day, over 117 000 cross-border workers travel...

27 Mars 2008

Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc

Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit

During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...

15 juin 2009

Nursery School and Gender Construction

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

I chose to study the links between nursery schools and gender construction because I wanted to show how this institution plays an active role in the representations children have of their social role as boy or girl. As my research is mostly about the toys and the games of the children in the...

11 Sept. 2009

Schneider presents the best manufacturing processes to satisfy customers' requirements

Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Logistique

During the course of BA in business management (final year), we had to work in a foreign country. To improve my level of English, I took up an internship in Nu-Lec Industries, a company of Schneider Electric located in Brisbane in Australia. Schneider Electric is a worldwide company known to the...

16 Sept. 2009

Dunnes Stores Georges Street - Loyalty Card Program

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing consommateur

The purpose of this study is to understand how loyalty programs represent a specific area with specific rules to be efficient and attracting customers with special rewards requires constant adaptation in the approach of driving a promotional strategy. Among the changes associated with the...

23 juil. 2010

Le revenue management chez Hilton Worldwide

Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Management organisation

En ce qui concerne les grandes nouveautés 2009 dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie, on trouve l'arrivée de la cinquième étoile. Cette arrivée était très attendue par les professionnels, car elle permet aux hôtels français de s'aligner sur la concurrence étrangère et d'attirer une nouvelle clientèle...

27 août 2010

Proton exchange membrane fuel cell

Rapport de stage - 26 pages - Physique

My three month internship took place in National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, south city of Taiwan. The National Cheng Kung University is ranked the second among all universities nationwide. I worked in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The Department focuses on intense...

07 Oct. 2010

Tourism in South Africa

Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

South Africa is the leading destination of the Africa continent with 9 million international tourists. The country is really opened up to tourism in during early 90's, at the end of apartheid regime. This activity, although recent, has known a considerable growth, due to an important rise...

18 Nov. 2010

British airways SWOT and PESTL analysis

Rapport de stage - 44 pages - Stratégie

Support Activities: Infrastructure, Human Resource Management, Technology Development, Procurement.(the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location) Primary...

03 Janv. 2011

Lustucru Lunch Box: Reviewing the distribution strategy of the Lunch Box

Rapport de stage - 60 pages - Stratégie

Analysis: 1. Story of Lustucru & the Lunch Box: Assessing Lustucru brand expertise on the market 2. The Lunch Box in stores: Assessing Lustucru category management & Supply Chain expertise 3. Channels profiling: Searching for new ideas to develop the Lunch Box presence in distribution channels...

30 Janv. 2011

To what extent is there a need for the European Union in 2010?

Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes

With the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the ‘European Union begins 2010 with a new look', according to VOA News. The European Union has strengthened its institutions, with a new ‘president of the European Union'; Herman Von Rompuy and a new High Representative...

06 févr. 2011

Analysis of the shampoo market

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

Beauty and hair care product business is witnessed as a popular and fast growing business. Lots of people spend on beauty and hair care products like shampoo, hair conditioner, hair treatment and so on. So a hair care product has a great potential market because it has a significant influence on...

07 Mars 2011

Changes in corporate identity: Importance of 'image makeover' to organizations

Rapport de stage - 2 pages - Management organisation

From the basic wholesaler on the corner of your street to the strong multinational chocolate factory Ferrero, every organization has its own identity. According to Van Riel and Balmer (1997), identity presents the company's competitive advantage by putting forward its individuality regarding its...

27 juin 2011

The demographic data of the French society (2008)

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The total French population on January 1, 2011 is 65 million (63.1 million in mainland France and 1.9 million in the French overseas departments). The average age of the population, which is rising constantly, is currently 40.1 years. The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (in...

09 Nov. 2011

Strategic Marketing of Caroll in China

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Théories marketing

The fashion sector is a constantly an evolving sector. In order to be successful and sustainable in this sector, it is essential to keep it updated with the new trends. It is important to have consumer awareness, in order to propose clothes according to their needs. It is a constant race between...

14 Nov. 2011

Multinational business and globalization

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Stratégie

Above all, let's start by explaining what globalization is. Many definitions exist some are too minimalist, others too general. The term used to describe the current state of the global economy has become a fashionable word. We retain that: “Globalization is a process (or set of...

17 Nov. 2011

Human Resource Management: Denmark and Japan

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Ressources humaines

Human resource management is “A strategic approach to acquiring, utilizing and managing an organization's key resource-its People. HRM regards the creation of an environment, the continuous development, stakeholders' interests, and the management of change or the fact to provide supporting...

23 Nov. 2021

Rapport de stage en exploitation agricole : étude d'une culture de maïs-grain irrigué

Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Management organisation

L'EARL de Bérail est une exploitation typique de la petite région agricole « Les Vallées », tournée vers les grandes cultures, la principale étant le maïs irrigué. Le choix de dédier une grande partie de la surface cultivée pour la culture du maïs sur l'exploitation résulte de différents...

28 Nov. 2011

Crisis Management

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Management organisation

For decades, policymakers used theories developed by strategists to preserve vital national interests, during the Cold War for instance. However, the 09/11 attack entailed a radical change in the American security policy. Even on the greatest superpower, violent non-state actors could now inflict...

11 déc. 2011

The Truman Show: Movie Review

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Cinéma

Many elements in the Truman Show illustrate the reality of our current society and how it works. I will particularly talk about the attitude of viewers who, perhaps unwittingly, are partly responsible for the broadcasting of this kind of program (reality TV shows). I shall also tackle the ethical...

19 déc. 2011

Luxury goods in China

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie

The increasing demand for luxury goods can be traced back to two important factors. Firstly the transition of China from a planned economy to a market economy and the opening of borders to foreign trade in 1978 have allowed luxury brands to penetrate the Chinese market. Secondly, this reform of...

11 Janv. 2012

Comparison of the organization of the different territorial and local authorities in France and England

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Histoire moderne

Planning system in France and England shares many common points; there are different local authorities and territorial collectivity in each country, private and public sector plays an important role in the land-use planning… but there are also lots of differences; policy is not the same in...

15 févr. 2012

The sources of the constitution

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

The British constitution has developed pragmatically over time and contrary to das Grundgesetz, that is to say the Basic Law, or the French constitution for example, its sources cannot be found in one single document. The British constitution is non codified, flexible, monarchical, not...

16 févr. 2012

"The natural resources of the United Kingdom (including agriculture, mining, forestry, all raw materials and energy): assets and liabilities on the local and international geopolitical theatre"

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

The United Kingdom's territory is full of diversified natural resources. From their profitability to their confrontation to the global market, the exploitation of these natural resources has been fit on a seasonally adjusted basis. From the agriculture to the mining and production of raw...