Cadreuse et monteuse chez Drone Up Academy
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Marketing médias
Afin d'affiner mon cursus d'apprentissage de l'audiovisuel j'ai intégré à ma 3e année d'étude en 2022-2023 la licence professionnelle Techniques du Son et de l'Image option Métiers de la Post-Production, laquelle s'effectue en alternance. L'entreprise que j'ai...
Le processus de développement international d'une start-up : l'exemple de Wizzvet
Rapport de stage - 30 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Dans le cadre de ma deuxième année de Master en Marketing du Sport, j'ai pu effectuer un stage d'une durée de trois à six mois au sein d'une entreprise. Du 25 janvier au 26 juillet, ce stage a été effectué au sein de l'entreprise Wizzvet à Strasbourg. Wizzvet est une jeune start-up...
Comment faire connaître et fidéliser la clientèle d'une boutique éphémère ?
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Communication
La société OPVE Open Vente développe depuis 2 ans un réseau de boutiques éphémères. Les boutiques éphémères dites pop‘up store sont basées sur de nouvelles méthodes de ventes. Leur existence peut aller de quelques jours à plusieurs mois, car ces boutiques occupent des locaux...
Les missions de Business analyst chez Foodora
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Management organisation
L'industrie des services en ligne permettant de commander des plats depuis chez soi ne cesse de gagner des parts de marché en France. En effet, depuis l'implantation des entreprises telles que Uber Eats, Foodora, Deliveroo, une véritable réflexion juridique a dû être mise en place par les...
La conception et la mise en place d'une base de données pour des cartes interactives
Rapport de stage - 64 pages - Informatique
Le présent rapport constitue une synthèse de mon projet de fin d'études effectué au sein de la start-up FORMATION basée à Berlin et ayant comme objectif la conception et la mise en place d'une base de données pour des cartes interactives pour des clients potentiels, et ce en vue de...
Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United...
Business Ethics: Dior
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie
Christian Dior was founded in 1905 in Normandy. In 1946, Dior opened his legendary home at 30 Avenue Montaigne. In February 1947, Dior launched his first collection called Corolle, where women were drawn like flowers. It was the beginning of the success story. Every fashion book said that the...
To what extent have Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility become key strategic drivers for organizations and what is the role of HRM in this?
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Ressources humaines
How does one analyze Human Resources? "Human resources" is based on reason and knowledge and is a term used to refer to how people are managed by organizations. The objective of human resources development is to foster human resourcefulness through enlightened ethics and cohesive policies in...
Conception de pupitres pilotant des équipements anti incendie sur pick up
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Électronique, mécanique, ingénierie & technologie
PROTECT FOREST regroupe à divers titres des spécialistes qui, depuis 1983, ont développé plusieurs concepts en matière de prévention des incendies de forêts, équipements de véhicules, systèmes héliportés, matériels de commandos, installations fixes de prévention et d'extinction. L'action de...
Rapport de stage en tant qu'assistante marketing et communication dans la société Philock
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Communication
L'entreprise Cpn a élaboré son business plan jusqu'en 2017 afin d'atteindre son objectif. Cette start-up veut combiner la protection des objets mobiles du quotidien (vélos, vélos électriques, mais aussi poussettes, caddies, matériels professionnels...) et la mise à disposition...
Ancient Philosophy: Why did Heraclitus choose to write in paradox form?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Histoire antique
Analyzing this question first requires that we examine the notion of paradox. It is in fact not easy to define for the word fits what it is supposed to mean. And we cannot merely define it anyway. However we can try to clarify the notion in order to explain what a paradox actually is. The word is...
Assistant-manager au sein de la jeune start-up Advice Trade Spring en Chine - le webmarketing
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Marketing technologies
J'ai décidé de le faire mon stage en Chine, dans une société nommée Advice Trade Spring HK Co. Ltd et dirigée par un expatrié français, M.*. Cette société était composée d'employés français et chinois. Ainsi, je n'étais pas énormément dépaysé du point de vue de la culture d'entreprise. Advice...
Rapport de stage : les missions de l'Audit Interne pour la cession d'une filiale dans la distribution sélective
Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Audit
Ce rapport présente les missions que j'ai effectuées au cours de mes 10 mois de stage à la Direction de l'Audit Interne. J'ai choisi de présenter ce rapport en articulant mes missions autour du sujet suivant : « Les missions de l'Audit Interne pour la cession d'une filiale...
Strategic management
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation
Context: Our firm, SYNERGIA is a medium-sized company that makes environmentally friendly cosmetics - cosmetics cover different and important sectors of goods such as make-up, alcoholic fragrance, beauty and care products, hair care, body products (…) We operate, up to...
Stage au service communication d'un photographe indépendant
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Arts
L'année dernière, la ville de Roubaix, poumon de la vente par correspondance, a vu fleurir en son sein, un projet innovant et original : un studio photo. Né de la synthèse des différents studios existants et de la consultation des acteurs de la photographie (make up, styliste,...
Assistante marketing chez Ethnik Conseil
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Marketing des services
Avant d'aborder la présentation de la société « Ethnik Conseil » et le contenu de mon stage, il est nécessaire d'expliquer les évènements qui se sont succédé et qui ont abouti à ma présence au sein de cette société. En septembre, dès le premier jour, où l'on nous a expliqué que l'on devrait...
The launch of hairdressing salon "Tchip" in Australia
Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Stratégie
The objective of this report is to launch the hairdressing salon “Tchip” in Australia. In France, Tchip is directed by Franck François and is part of the VOG group. Franck Francois is the founder of the concept of low cost hair salons and nowadays, Tchip is the leader in its sector. Its...
Schneider presents the best manufacturing processes to satisfy customers' requirements
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Logistique
During the course of BA in business management (final year), we had to work in a foreign country. To improve my level of English, I took up an internship in Nu-Lec Industries, a company of Schneider Electric located in Brisbane in Australia. Schneider Electric is a worldwide company known...
Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I learnt...
The impact of smart phones on business and private life
Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation
Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...
Mathematical Solution for the attitude of Phoenix lander's radar (rapport de stage)
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Mathématiques
I was very lucky to go to the United States and finally get this kind of an internship because, I had been given the opportunity to work in one of the most productive scientific sector of the country, The Californian Institute of Technology. This American college is one of the research centres of...
The Truman Show: Movie Review
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Cinéma
Many elements in the Truman Show illustrate the reality of our current society and how it works. I will particularly talk about the attitude of viewers who, perhaps unwittingly, are partly responsible for the broadcasting of this kind of program (reality TV shows). I shall also tackle the ethical...
The development of teaching Nicolas
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie
The entry of Great Britain in the European Union in 1973 started the opening of the market of wine to a larger audience. This product became in a few years, a product of great consumption in England. It is on this report that the Castel group decides to make open stores in London. But the...
Human Resources Management Comparison: France and US
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Ressources humaines
Human Resources Management, summed up recently by Storey, is "a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel...
The downfall of Lehman Brothers and its relation to the current financial crisis
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Théories économiques
In this report, we will study the financial crisis experienced by the Lehman Brothers and its subsequent collapse in 2008. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was a global financial-services firm, and one of the most important primary dealers in the U.S. with respect to treasury securities and...
Comparative analysis of the key success factors in a public relations agency in GB and other countries. (Placement report)
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Management organisation
During June and July, I did my first internship in a public relations company based in London, called Bell Pottinger. I didn't know exactly what the challenges were in this field, so it was a chance to learn many new things. Chime Communications PLC is the holding company of 35 companies...
Environmental issues linked to North-South relations posing a challenge for Geopolitics
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences politiques
Economic globalization, global media flows and the Internet seem to make our traditional conception of geopolitics, in terms of political geography and international relations, no longer appropriate. The deepening impacts of globalization, especially within North-South relations, have...
Business Strategy of consulting marketing firm "Le Tre Caravelle (tourism, real estate)"
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Marketing tourisme
Le Tre Caravelle is a marketing company specialized in the field of tourism, hotel and real estate. This company, based in Milan, primarily works off line on advertising and events, such as "planning and management of multi-media campaign, stands and fairs", but also and more particularly online,...
Managing cultural diversity in South Africa
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Rainbow Nation- a term used to describe post-apartheid South Africa, when multicultural diversity emerged i.e, a country with a strong history and a rich diversified culture. Here you will find the important elements to be successful in doing business with South Africans. We will start with an...
Report of internship and scholarship in London, Asia and USA
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Marketing international
American people make very universal and formal workers. They plan everything and tend to never change their schedule. They are always looking for effectiveness and efficiency at work by imposing one way to resolve a problem and applying it everywhere in the company at any time or any...