Strategic Marketing of Caroll in China
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Théories marketing
The fashion sector is a constantly an evolving sector. In order to be successful and sustainable in this sector, it is essential to keep it updated with the new trends. It is important to have consumer awareness, in order to propose clothes according to their needs. It is a...
The launch of hairdressing salon "Tchip" in Australia
Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Stratégie
The objective of this report is to launch the hairdressing salon Tchip in Australia. In France, Tchip is directed by Franck François and is part of the VOG group. Franck Francois is the founder of the concept of low cost hair salons and nowadays, Tchip is the leader...
Report of internship and scholarship in London, Asia and USA
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Marketing international
American people make very universal and formal workers. They plan everything and tend to never change their schedule. They are always looking for effectiveness and efficiency at work by imposing one way to resolve a problem and applying it everywhere in the company at any time or any...
The implementation of Kosta Boda in the French market
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie
Kosta Boda is a Sweden company of design and making high quality of glassware and art glass. Founded in 1742, Kosta Boda is today a reference in this sector in Sweden. Its originality, its know-how and numbers of famous designers inside the company gave to Kosta Boda an image...
Analysis starch in fibre
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Chimie
This document summarizes my training period at Tilbury in England. I chose this place in order to discover the English way of life and to improve my knowledge of English as well. I worked under the supervision of Andy Waterman and Tom Cripps and in collaboration with Renzi...
What does it take to become a successful presidential candidate in American politics?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
San Francisco, on November, 15th, at the Civic Auditorium: thousands of people are waiting on the pavement for Barack Obama, Democrat candidate for the investiture to the presidential elections. He arrives, stands up near his car, takes a megaphone to reassure people: don't worry, you will...
Luxury goods in China
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie
The increasing demand for luxury goods can be traced back to two important factors. Firstly the transition of China from a planned economy to a market economy and the opening of borders to foreign trade in 1978 have allowed luxury brands to penetrate the Chinese market. Secondly, this...
Managing cultural diversity in South Africa
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Rainbow Nation- a term used to describe post-apartheid South Africa, when multicultural diversity emerged i.e, a country with a strong history and a rich diversified culture. Here you will find the important elements to be successful in doing business with South Africans. We will start...
To what extent is there a need for the European Union in 2010?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes
With the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the European Union begins 2010 with a new look', according to VOA News. The European Union has strengthened its institutions, with a new president of the European Union'; Herman Von Rompuy and a new High...
Recommendations on employee involvement in Fiat in England
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Management organisation
Three persons work everyday aiming to improve service and sales, to improve the dialog between financial divisions and car dealers and to gain the loyalty of customers if they buy another Fiat or another brand. Each goal or new mission is decided by the manager and employees are not involved...
To what extent have Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility become key strategic drivers for organizations and what is the role of HRM in this?
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Ressources humaines
How does one analyze Human Resources? "Human resources" is based on reason and knowledge and is a term used to refer to how people are managed by organizations. The objective of human resources development is to foster human resourcefulness through enlightened ethics and cohesive policies...
No Mad, une entreprise de post-production vidéo
Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Autres médias
Rapport de stage effectué dans le cadre d'une deuxième année de BTS en audiovisuel. Stage effectué dans le secteur post-production vidéo au sein de l'entreprise de No Mad. Le présent rapport contient plusieurs analyses de situations professionnelles.
Comparison of the organization of the different territorial and local authorities in France and England
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Histoire moderne
Planning system in France and England shares many common points; there are different local authorities and territorial collectivity in each country, private and public sector plays an important role in the land-use planning but there are also lots of differences; policy...
The changing meaning of luxury in Europe
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Stratégie
No longer reserved for the selected few, luxury is now within the reach of a much larger consumer segment. In this analysis we ask Europeans what constitutes luxury? in their everyday life. As the prospects for obtaining a certain level of material wealth is fulfilled - or it...
To what extent has European integration promoted security and stability in post-Cold War Europe?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes
According to E. Bomber and A. Stubb (2003) , the European integration is a process by which sovereign states relinquish (surrender or pool) national sovereignty to maximize their collective power and interests.' We notice that European integration involves different institutions where...
Stage legale: Studio Legale Costantino - Lopez
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Droit autres branches
Nel corso del mio secondo anno di Master in diritto francese e diritto italiano, ho avuto la fortunata occasione di arricchire la mia formazione accademica attraverso uno stage di sei mesi in Italia. Quest'opportunità mi ha consentito di immergermi nel mondo pratico della...
Analyses bio-médicales - Le bilan lipidique chez l'insuffisant rénal
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Médecine
L'insuffisance rénale est une affection courante qui a des percussions sur diverses perturbations métaboliques, dont des altérations lipidiques. Le bilan lipidique chez l'insuffisant rénal revêt une grande importance, pour cela,les paramètres étudiés ont été ; le cholestérol total, le...
Walt Disney World in Orlando: trainee as park greeter (2008)
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation
I stayed for two and a half months at the Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I worked at the main entrance of Typhoon Lagoon, and thereafter in the Water Park as a park greeter. I was determined to work at Walt Disney World because I was sure that I would acquire sufficient...
Ancient Philosophy: Why did Heraclitus choose to write in paradox form?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Histoire antique
Analyzing this question first requires that we examine the notion of paradox. It is in fact not easy to define for the word fits what it is supposed to mean. And we cannot merely define it anyway. However we can try to clarify the notion in order to explain what a paradox actually...
Étude de l'impact de la digitalisation sur l'amélioration de la satisfaction clientèle : cas de la RADEEC - Région de Chaouia Ouardigha
Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Stratégie
La digitalisation des services publics est devenue depuis quelques années l'enjeu majeur du secteur public. En effet, le digital a permis une diversification des canaux d'accès aux établissements, ce qui a contribué à une facilité et rapidité aux usagers d'accès aux services publics,...
Change management: The difficulties in applying change processes
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation
When a company witnesses an important growth or change period, the entrepreneur and the executives needs to manage the changes and adapt the organization to its new expectations. They have to adapt the company to the new demand and ensure this expansion without damaging their global service and...
Tourism in South Africa
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
South Africa is the leading destination of the Africa continent with 9 million international tourists. The country is really opened up to tourism in during early 90's, at the end of apartheid regime. This activity, although recent, has known a considerable growth, due to an...
Discuss the relevance of Gesteland's dimensions in relation to analyzing intercultural business communication
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie
By the end of the 20th century, 80 percent of the U.S. products were competing in the international market. This fact emphasizes the globalization of the world's economy. The changing environment and increasing complexity of the 21st century workplace makes communication even more...
The action of the International Monetary Fund in the world
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Relations internationales
The International Monetary Fund is established and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement as originally adopted and subsequently amended asserts the first clause of the Articles of Agreement. Set up after the Second World War as a response to the...
Stage au sein du cabinet d'expertise comptable In Extenso
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Comptabilité
Lors de ma deuxième année de scolarité à l'IPAG Nice, j'ai été amenée à réaliser un stage portant sur le « Back Office », offrant ainsi à chaque élève de deuxième année un éventail de possibilités. Le choix du stage n'a pas été simple à faire, mais c'est tout naturellement que je me suis...
To what extent, if any, are Japanese people, culture and organizations transformed in overseas contexts?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
Japan is, and always has been, seen as a group of mysterious islands, of which people knew little about, due to its far location from Europe and America. Indeed, 250 years of almost complete isolation of the country, which started in the 18th Century (Tokugawa Era) did not help the world...
Changes in corporate identity: Importance of 'image makeover' to organizations
Rapport de stage - 2 pages - Management organisation
From the basic wholesaler on the corner of your street to the strong multinational chocolate factory Ferrero, every organization has its own identity. According to Van Riel and Balmer (1997), identity presents the company's competitive advantage by putting forward its individuality regarding its...
Rapport de stage à la réception-administration du B&B Mare de Deu Canovas à Valence en Espagne
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing tourisme
Cet hôtel (bed and breakfast) est composé de 18 chambres réparties sur un étage, le rez-de-chaussée étant la réception et le bureau. Les propriétaires sont Pablo Esteban Cerra Quintana, un ingénieur constructeur, et Marcelo Oscar Delafuente , un architecte. La capacité d'accueil de l'hôtel est de...
Comment dynamiser les ventes d'une boutique Fauchon en vue de renouveler la cave de celle-ci ?
Rapport de stage - 44 pages - Marketing luxe
L'épicerie dans laquelle j'ai réalisé mon stage fait partie du groupe Fauchon. C'est Auguste Félix FAUCHON qui en 1886, ouvre une petite épicerie fine sur la place de la Madeleine à Paris. Le concept de sa boutique était basé sur le fait de vendre des produits gastronomiques français fabriqués...
Projet personnel et professionnel : les poursuites d'études envisagées
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Vie quotidienne
Au cours du deuxième semestre de notre DUT Gestion Administrative et Commerciale, nous avons approfondi notre projet professionnel grâce aux recherches entreprises lors du premier semestre. A travers ce rapport, je vais vous présenter les interviews que j'ai pu réaliser soit en allant...