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27 juin 2011

The demographic data of the French society (2008)

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The total French population on January 1, 2011 is 65 million (63.1 million in mainland France and 1.9 million in the French overseas departments). The average age of the population, which is rising constantly, is currently 40.1 years. The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (in...

13 févr. 2008

Placement report: Assurances générales de France of Allianz AGF

Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Finance

The AGF Group is a major player in insurance and financial services, both in France and in more than twenty countries around the world. It has more than 60 billion clients from more than 70 countries world-wide. Backed by the n° 1 in European insurance, Allianz AG, of which it is a major entity,...

04 Sept. 2011

Commentary on the extract from 'The Downing Street years', By Margaret Thatcher

Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Littérature

In 'The Downing Street Years', published in 1993, Margaret Thatcher tackles the subject of the Brixton riots of 1981 and relates how she dealt with the proliferation of riots after the publication of the Scarman report. In the extract studied here, she argues that her economic policy is...

09 Nov. 2011

Strategic Marketing of Caroll in China

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Théories marketing

The fashion sector is a constantly an evolving sector. In order to be successful and sustainable in this sector, it is essential to keep it updated with the new trends. It is important to have consumer awareness, in order to propose clothes according to their needs. It is a constant race between...

13 août 2014

Comment l'automobile dessine-t-elle le paysage urbain Texan ?

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Marketing automobile

Ayant effectué un stage de deux mois à Houston au Texas, j'ai pu observer de très nombreuses différences culturelles. En effet, malgré son ouverture internationale par sa position géographique, le Texas reste le fief d'une Amérique gardienne de ses valeurs et traditions. Cependant, la différence...

06 juin 2011

Human Resources Management Comparison: France and US

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Ressources humaines

Human Resources Management, summed up recently by Storey, is "a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques"...

14 juin 2011

Walmart Overseas: An analysis

Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Stratégie

The idea behind what would become Walmart was a store that would offer a large variety and volume of products offered at low prices, everyday. Sam and J.L. Walton, the founders of Walmart, believed that American small towns would benefit from a large retail shopping center because of the everyday...

02 Janv. 2012

The French economic diplomacy towards China

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Relations internationales

Bilateral trade between France and China has developed dramatically over the last twenty years. From about €10 billion in 1995, trade volume increased to more than €40 billion today. The annual growth rates of these exchanges- apart from 2009, marked by the global crisis- have reached...

04 août 2009

Rapport de stage chez S.T.A.T. à Milan

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation

I worked as a secretary during two months in a society called S.T.A.T. This company offers its services to small communes to collect taxes. Indeed in Italy each commune is intended to collect taxes for the state. There is no public service like the French one to collect taxes. It is the...

08 Mars 2021

Sélection de l'habitat par la chevêchette d'Europe (Glaucidium passerinum) en Vallée d'Aoste, Italie

Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Biologie

La chevêchette d'Europe Glaucidium passerinum fait partie de l'annexe I de la directive 2009/147/CE, qui vise à protéger les oiseaux sauvages. Sa préservation est donc d'intérêt patrimonial. Elle est aujourd'hui présente en Vallée d'Aoste de manière certaine, mais les...

30 mai 2010

The company :Safety Matic

Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing consommateur

During the second year in INSEEC Paris, we, the students have to fulfill a three month training period in a foreign country in a commercial function or any other function allowing us to ameliorate English, Spanish or the German language in order to have a concrete approach of foreign experience....

25 Oct. 2010

McDonald's Company profile and SWOT analysis

Rapport de stage - 28 pages - Stratégie

Largest fast food chain in the world Our focus: - McDonald's America - McDonald's Thailand Founded in 1940 in San Bernardino, CA by Dick and Mac McDonald, McDonald's began franchising in 1955 with the implementation of “speedee service system”. The fast food chain is currently...

31 Janv. 2011

Why will political advisors become indispensable during military functions?

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

It is widely accepted that in almost all military decisions, the political factor has to be taken into account. To that extent is a political advisor or “polad” needed in the military institutions as well as on the field? The face of warfare has irrevocably changed, as Robert Gates,...

16 Nov. 2021

Prédictions de rendements viticoles autrichiens à l'aide de données satellitaires et météo

Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Informatique

Les méthodes de prévisions de rendements agricoles basées sur l'imagerie satellitaire sont nombreuses et se construisent autour d'approches machine learning diverses. Ce stage fut une introduction au développement d'une chaîne de traitements de ce type, de la récupération des données...

30 Mars 2011

MaxRoam analysis

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie

MaxRoam is a service provided by Cubic Telecom, a global mobile communications company. Actually, MaxRoam is a small agency based in Ireland, which employs currently less than 20 people. MaxRoam was the first to sell micro Sims for iPads, beating all the big telecommunications companies....

26 Sept. 2023

Fabrication de bio charbon à partir des déchets agricoles dans les zones de mangroves de Ouidah : cas des bourres et coques de coco, feuilles et tiges de maïs et de pastèques

Mémoire de stage - 18 pages - Écologie et environnement

Les bio charbons sont une alternative aux combustibles fossiles et au bois-énergie, constituant ainsi une source d'énergie verte et inépuisable. Ils sont fabriqués à partir de déchets agricoles, solides ménagers, de plantes nuisibles. La présente étude, réalisée dans la commune de Ouidah et...

30 Nov. 2011

International Humanitarian Law

Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Relations internationales

Critically analyse the prohibition against the use of mercenaries in Article 47 of API. - Would the Brigade of Gurkhas or the French Foreign Legion be considered as mercenaries under this definition ? - Evaluate the extent to which the UN Convention on Mercenaries develops the law in this area....

08 Janv. 2012

Strategic thinking for managers

Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Stratégie

As the EFE Matrix in this document shows, the most important external factors in order to be successful in the industry are technological advancements and the fact that only 10% of the hearing affected people actually possess the hearing aid. Local health policies like in France, for...

06 déc. 2011

The Distribution Channel

Rapport de stage - 64 pages - Stratégie

A distribution channel is a way of delivering goods and services between the manufacturers and the customers. The distribution channel is chosen to cover the widest possible target market Choices of the decisions about the product (definition, caracteristics, packaging…) What is the...

02 Nov. 2010

Rapport de stage en tant que dessinateur CAO

Rapport de stage - 43 pages - Management organisation

Après un nombre important d'envois de lettres de candidature et de Curriculum Vitae dans le Tarn et dans la région Castraise, j'ai reçu un avis positif de la société GPS Copeaux à Viviers les Montagnes (non loin de Castres). J'ai eu par la suite un entretien avec le gérant (mon futur...

08 avril 2017

L'initiation citoyenne, une question d'adaptation réciproque

Rapport de stage - 54 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

J'ai effectué mon stage au sein du Centre d'Action Sociale Globale (CASG) Solidarité Savoir. Au cours de ma pratique, j'ai découvert une des particularités de cette Association Sans But Lucratif qui, depuis qu'elle est agréée par la COCOF, s'est vue adapter ses projets selon...

20 Nov. 2009

PDUC : Décathlon Univers Forme

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Sport

Mon projet sera donc avant tout, un objectif à atteindre, tant qualitatif que quantitatif. Il consiste en un OPECO concernant l'univers fitness qui aura pour but de présenter des innovations fitness, afin de maintenir et développer le chiffre d'affaires de l'univers.

02 avril 2010

Rapport de stage en agence de communication - publié le 02/04/2010

Rapport de stage - 48 pages - Communication

(...) En réponse au premier entretien entre le responsable commercial et le client un rendez-vous est fixé, c'est là qu'a lieu la "prise de brief". Plusieurs questions sont posées durant cette réunion afin d'éclaircir au mieux la demande du client et de cerner ses besoins, et...

02 Mars 2011

La valorisation d'un espace rural isolé par le biais de la structuration des services de proximité intercommunaux

Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Géographie monde

Mémoire de stage de Géographie, Aménagement des territoires, niveau Master 1, sur la façon dont le développement et la structuration des services intercommunaux de proximité permettent de créer du lien social et de valoriser un espace rural isolé. Le stage de 5 mois s'est déroulé dans une...

26 Oct. 2009

Conseiller à la vente pour Bouygues Telecom

Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Marketing technologies

Bouygues est une société qui se distingue des autres par sa grande renommée. C'est une entreprise active qui a su faire des choix et qui s'investit dans les secteurs où elle est présente. Sa force réside dans un système de valeurs qui est à la base de son organisation et qui permet à Bouygues...

04 févr. 2010

Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report

Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States, with...

22 avril 2009

Developing the Museums' volunteer programmed: "intouch:insideout" project

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts

The brief for this project is to develop the intouch volunteer programme that is currently run by the Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) and the Manchester Museum. The funding for the current scheme is due to expire in 2009 (Management studies briefing 2008) and a key aspect of the project is to...

05 Janv. 2012

Managing cultural diversity in South Africa

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Rainbow Nation- a term used to describe post-apartheid South Africa, when multicultural diversity emerged i.e, a country with a strong history and a rich diversified culture. Here you will find the important elements to be successful in doing business with South Africans. We will start with an...

08 juin 2011

Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts

This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I learnt during...

11 Sept. 2009

Schneider presents the best manufacturing processes to satisfy customers' requirements

Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Logistique

During the course of BA in business management (final year), we had to work in a foreign country. To improve my level of English, I took up an internship in Nu-Lec Industries, a company of Schneider Electric located in Brisbane in Australia. Schneider Electric is a worldwide company known to the...