The impact of smart phones on business and private life
Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation
Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...
Soutenance de rapport de stage : chef de secteur en grande distribution
Rapport de stage - 21 pages - Management organisation
La préparation conditionne 80 % de la réussite Prise de contact téléphonique : Objectifs : Planification des rendez-vous à la quinzaine. Qualification des clients. Préparation écrite des objectifs selon les 4 P. Objectif : Répondre aux missions Wrigley. Préparation aux entretiens de vente et...
Rapport de stage BTS Audiovisuel effectué dans une agence de services d'événementiel et d'audiovisuel
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Management organisation
La plupart des concurrents de Jet Five ne sont pas perçus comme des adversaires mais au contraire comme des contacts potentiellement joignables. Selon la demande plus ou moins spécifique, il est bien plus intéressant d'utiliser ses relations professionnelles afin de mieux répondre à la...
Strategic Marketing of Caroll in China
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Théories marketing
The fashion sector is a constantly an evolving sector. In order to be successful and sustainable in this sector, it is essential to keep it updated with the new trends. It is important to have consumer awareness, in order to propose clothes according to their needs. It is a constant race between...
Learned centered approach
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
In the teaching process, there are two main categories of actors: teachers, and students. I found important to notice that, through years, the students' environment changed a lot (school violence, diversity of the population, etc.) and therefore their needs changed as well. In the Secondary...
Walmart Overseas: An analysis
Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Stratégie
The idea behind what would become Walmart was a store that would offer a large variety and volume of products offered at low prices, everyday. Sam and J.L. Walton, the founders of Walmart, believed that American small towns would benefit from a large retail shopping center because of the everyday...
Croissance de micro-algues au sein d'une lagune à forte charge : Influence du temps de rétention hydraulique sur la production de biomasse et sur les capacités de traitement (français et anglais)
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Biologie
Les lagunes à hautes charges (désignées par l'acronyme anglais HRAP pour High Rate Algal Ponds) sont des systèmes naturels destinés à l'épuration d'eaux résiduelles issues de l'industrie ou de zones urbaines. Ce système repose sur une interaction entre les micro-algues de ces lagunes (qui...
Rapport de stage en tant que contrôleur financier dans une industrie énergétique AES SONEL
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Contrôle de gestion
Au sein de l'entreprise AES SONEL il existe des montages financiers complexes permettant à celle-ci de réaliser son plan de financement sur le long terme. Le plan de financement de l'entreprise se fait par projet, et on distingue au total 285 projets répartis en Quatre groupes : La génération qui...
Service comptabilité d'Unilabs
Rapport de stage - 35 pages - Comptabilité
Le stage de première année du magistère de gestion revêtait pour moi une importance centrale : n'étant pas encore certaine du chemin que je veux emprunter à la fin de mes études, je souhaitais mettre à profit cette expérience pour essayer d'affiner mon choix. Attirée par la comptabilité générale,...
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Rapport de stage - 26 pages - Physique
My three month internship took place in National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, south city of Taiwan. The National Cheng Kung University is ranked the second among all universities nationwide. I worked in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The Department focuses on intense...
Rapport de stage : commissaire aux comptes
Rapport de stage - 70 pages - Comptabilité
Rapport de stage réalisé au sein d'un cabinet de comptabilité au Maroc.
Managing cultural diversity in South Africa
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Rainbow Nation- a term used to describe post-apartheid South Africa, when multicultural diversity emerged i.e, a country with a strong history and a rich diversified culture. Here you will find the important elements to be successful in doing business with South Africans. We will start with an...
Micro-contact printing for immobilization of DNA on surfaces
Rapport de stage - 35 pages - Biologie
The growing interest in DNA biochips for rapid detection of diseases, infections, genetic contaminations, and hereditary illnesses necessitates the understanding of how DNA macromolecules may be immobilized on surfaces with high density, reproducibility and precision. These are the reasons why...
Training Period Report at Issues & Answers
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Marketing des services
My work placement as an international intern in the global Market Research company named Issues & Answers Network, allowed me to discover the Market Research field and to work in an international environment coping with different cultures. Furthermore, this work placement allowed me to discover...
Container Link
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation
On the occasion of my first year with the La Rochelle Graduate School of Management, I undertook my work placement in a company called Container Link, in Poole, in the south-east of England. This experience, lasting three months, gave me the opportunity to live through a total immersion in an...
Missions commerciales et évènementielles au sein d'une structure sportive
Rapport de stage - 54 pages - Marketing sportif
Après de multiples recherches, dans un milieu difficile à pénétrer, j'ai réussi à me faire une place au sein du centre indoor de football en salle de Saint Sébastien, Urban Football, pour remplir différentes missions logistiques, commerciales et évènementielles. Le but de ce stage répondait à...
International Work Experience - My Trip to Charleston, SC
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Vie quotidienne
The second year of Marketing and European Management, within the international school of management IDRAC Lyon, begins with a cultural trip of two months, named International Work Experience. This stay, is not in a French-speaking country, and enables the students, on one hand, to discover a...
British airways SWOT and PESTL analysis
Rapport de stage - 44 pages - Stratégie
Support Activities: Infrastructure, Human Resource Management, Technology Development, Procurement.(the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location) Primary...
The action of the International Monetary Fund in the world
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Relations internationales
The International Monetary Fund is established and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement as originally adopted and subsequently amended asserts the first clause of the Articles of Agreement. Set up after the Second World War as a response to the world...
Crisis Management
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Management organisation
For decades, policymakers used theories developed by strategists to preserve vital national interests, during the Cold War for instance. However, the 09/11 attack entailed a radical change in the American security policy. Even on the greatest superpower, violent non-state actors could now inflict...
Rapport de stage de développement Web au Vietnam
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Informatique
Après l'obtention de mon Baccalauréat Scientifique, j'ai décidé de faire une classe préparatoire M.P.S.I. (Mathématiques, Physique, Sciences de l'Ingénieur) à l'Ecole Militaire de Saint-Cyr. Une année après, j'ai arrêté mes études et suis parti travailler pour des sociétés de...
Rapport de stage dans une entreprise anglaise
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Management organisation
On the occasion of my first year within La Rochelle Graduate School of Management, I made my work placement in the company Container Link, in Poole, in the south-east of England. This experience, lasting three months, is the opportunity to live through a total immersion in an English-speaking...
Rapport de stage en comptabilité - publié le 12/12/2009
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation
Document: Rapport de stage en comptabilité: Ministère des Ressources naturelles et faune (21 pages) Extrait: La deuxième partie de mon travail, celle qui représente la majeure partie de mon stage, est le processus de coût de revient. Il est question ici de processus puisque le résultat est...
Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit
During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...
Psychologue stagiaire dans un centre Médico-Psychologique Infantile
Rapport de stage - 31 pages - Psychologie
J'ai choisi de faire mon stage de première année de Master dans un Centre Médico-Psychologique Infantile. Ce choix a été orienté par mon désir de compléter ma formation universitaire avec un stage pratique auprès d'enfants. J'ai été accueillie par l'équipe soignante du CMPI au...
Developing the Museums' volunteer programmed: "intouch:insideout" project
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
The brief for this project is to develop the intouch volunteer programme that is currently run by the Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) and the Manchester Museum. The funding for the current scheme is due to expire in 2009 (Management studies briefing 2008) and a key aspect of the project is to...
Nursery School and Gender Construction
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
I chose to study the links between nursery schools and gender construction because I wanted to show how this institution plays an active role in the representations children have of their social role as boy or girl. As my research is mostly about the toys and the games of the children in the...
Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States, with...
The development of teaching Nicolas
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie
The entry of Great Britain in the European Union in 1973 started the opening of the market of wine to a larger audience. This product became in a few years, a product of great consumption in England. It is on this report that the Castel group decides to make open stores in London. But the...
To what extent has European integration promoted security and stability in post-Cold War Europe?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes
According to E. Bomber and A. Stubb (2003) , the European integration is a process by which sovereign states relinquish (surrender or pool) national sovereignty to maximize their collective power and interests.' We notice that European integration involves different institutions where...