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Entreprise : Fabulous French Beer

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09 août 2024

Stage chez Meeting the French, pôle anglophone

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Marketing tourisme

En vue de finaliser notre master, un stage de 6 mois en entreprise est requis. Après mon premier stage effectué à l'agence Meeting the French, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'en effectuer un second suivi par une embauche en CDI en tant que Sales Manager. J'ai donc rejoint...

10 août 2024

Positionnement de l'entreprise et analyse concurrentielle - Meeting the French

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Marketing tourisme

Meeting the French est une agence de voyages réceptive basée à Paris qui propose aux visiteurs une expérience unique et originale. Leur concept : faire découvrir la France hors des sentiers battus, une France authentique et intime. « Partez à la rencontre des Franc?ais » est leur slogan et...

11 Mars 2023

Projet de développement commercial et marketing - Dans un contexte hyper concurrentiel, comment l'agence BNP Paribas La Fayette peut-elle limiter l'attrition ?

Mémoire de stage - 31 pages - Marketing bancaire

Ce projet de développement commercial et marketing se déroulera en deux grandes parties. La première sera consacrée au groupe BNP PARIBAS, dans lequel j'ai effectué mon année d'alternance pendant un an. Nous y verrons une appréciation du secteur bancaire, dont le groupe BNP Paribas fait...

11 août 2010

Mission en entreprise de fin d'études : "Danone Eaux France"

Rapport de stage - 41 pages - Management organisation

Travailler au sein du groupe Danone c'est adhérer à une culture d'entreprise, à des valeurs qui lui sont propres. Celles-ci se résument en un seul mot, "H.O.P.E" dans lequel chaque lettre a une signification bien précise : - "H" comme Humanisme, - "O" comme Ouverture, - "P" comme...

21 juil. 2007

Rapport de stage commercial : école de langue

Rapport de stage - 34 pages - Linguistique & langues

This report deals with the methods of a language school. First and foremost, we will focus on how work a language school, and its features so different from the French system. In a second part, we will concentrate our review on the impact of Communication within a company. Eventually, the...

22 Nov. 2011

The implementation of Kosta Boda in the French market

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie

Kosta Boda is a Sweden company of design and making high quality of glassware and art glass. Founded in 1742, Kosta Boda is today a reference in this sector in Sweden. Its originality, its know-how and numbers of famous designers inside the company gave to Kosta Boda an image of luxury,...

27 juin 2011

The demographic data of the French society (2008)

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The total French population on January 1, 2011 is 65 million (63.1 million in mainland France and 1.9 million in the French overseas departments). The average age of the population, which is rising constantly, is currently 40.1 years. The National Institute of Statistics and...

02 Janv. 2012

The French economic diplomacy towards China

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Relations internationales

Bilateral trade between France and China has developed dramatically over the last twenty years. From about €10 billion in 1995, trade volume increased to more than €40 billion today. The annual growth rates of these exchanges- apart from 2009, marked by the global crisis- have reached...

07 févr. 2013

Le financement des investissements par la banque: agence BEA à la cité Djamel (Algérie)

Rapport de stage - 45 pages - Marketing bancaire

L'investissement a trait au facteur de production longue de l'entreprise qui entre à plusieurs reprises dans le cycle de production. La décision d'investir est, sans aucun doute, la décision la plus importante que pourrait prendre tout opérateur économique (entreprise, administration centrale ou...

04 Mars 2011

BEES des activités de la natation : mémoire de stage d'entraînement

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Sport

Le milieu aquatique présente une problématique bien particulière nécessitant la résolution d'un certain nombre de problèmes afin de permettre le déplacement. Dans l'apprentissage de la natation, comme dans la natation sportive, la performance repose sur trois notions essentielles,...

06 Janv. 2008

Rapport de stage French Fairs

Rapport de stage - 29 pages - Marketing tourisme

Nous jetterons tout d'abord un regard sur le contexte dans lequel évolue l'entreprise à travers les caractéristiques de Londres, nous présenterons ensuite l'entreprise qui m'a accueilli durant cette période à l'aide d'outils d'analyse. Puis, nous présenterons les grands traits de ma mission en...

04 févr. 2010

Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report

Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States, with...

06 juin 2011

Human Resources Management Comparison: France and US

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Ressources humaines

Human Resources Management, summed up recently by Storey, is "a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques"...

19 déc. 2011

The launch of hairdressing salon "Tchip" in Australia

Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Stratégie

The objective of this report is to launch the hairdressing salon “Tchip” in Australia. In France, Tchip is directed by Franck François and is part of the VOG group. Franck Francois is the founder of the concept of low cost hair salons and nowadays, Tchip is the leader in its sector. Its...

30 Nov. 2011

International Humanitarian Law

Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Relations internationales

Critically analyse the prohibition against the use of mercenaries in Article 47 of API. - Would the Brigade of Gurkhas or the French Foreign Legion be considered as mercenaries under this definition ? - Evaluate the extent to which the UN Convention on Mercenaries develops the law in...

18 déc. 2009

International Work Experience - My Trip to Charleston, SC

Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Vie quotidienne

The second year of Marketing and European Management, within the international school of management IDRAC Lyon, begins with a cultural trip of two months, named International Work Experience. This stay, is not in a French-speaking country, and enables the students, on one hand, to discover...

15 Mars 2010

The development of teaching Nicolas

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie

The entry of Great Britain in the European Union in 1973 started the opening of the market of wine to a larger audience. This product became in a few years, a product of great consumption in England. It is on this report that the Castel group decides to make open stores in London. But the...

02 Nov. 2011

A new line of San Francisco-style sourdough bread: "Au bon moulin" company- the authentic bread

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Management organisation

“Au bon Moulin” was created in 2000 in France by Dubois' family. This familial bakery opened its doors with a new concept for the bakery industry. Indeed, Dubois' family wanted to make “green bread” with raw materials produced ecologically and make their bread in ecological...

09 Nov. 2011

Strategic Marketing of Caroll in China

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Théories marketing

The fashion sector is a constantly an evolving sector. In order to be successful and sustainable in this sector, it is essential to keep it updated with the new trends. It is important to have consumer awareness, in order to propose clothes according to their needs. It is a constant race between...

19 déc. 2011

The impact of smart phones on business and private life

Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation

Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...

05 Janv. 2012

Managing cultural diversity in South Africa

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Rainbow Nation- a term used to describe post-apartheid South Africa, when multicultural diversity emerged i.e, a country with a strong history and a rich diversified culture. Here you will find the important elements to be successful in doing business with South Africans. We will start with an...

05 Mars 2008

Event Merchandising Limited (rapport de stage 2006)

Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation

Event Merchandising Limited develops and markets merchandise to a world-wide audience. It works closely with new and established brands. From blue chip corporate requirements to selling at live events, from setting up licensing programme to running online shops. Whether the requirement is for a...

04 déc. 2009

ELB International Trading & Sourcing Company, China June/ July 2008

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing international

China, 'The monster', 'The dragon of Asia', many names can define the perfectly economic, demographic, and geopolitic weight of this country in the world. Newly on the front of the international media stage due to the Olympic Games, China also speaks about it's economic...

19 déc. 2011

Case study of Chalet Exquis, an online business

Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Stratégie

“The range of digital media is vast and is growing rapidly. The internet provides a wide variety of activities, including electronic mail, global information access and retrieval systems, discussion groups, multiplayer's games and file transfer facilities.” (chris fill, fifth edition)....

17 juil. 2017

First year internship: Axa (business school)

Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Marketing bancaire

AXA is a French group rooted from the merge of various insurance companies whose the most ancient was created in 1816. L'Ancienne Mutuelle de Rouen was a small French insurance society created during the XIXth century whose main function was to cover the agricultural risks in...

13 févr. 2007

Report of internship and scholarship in London, Asia and USA

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Marketing international

American people make very universal and formal workers. They plan everything and tend to never change their schedule. They are always looking for effectiveness and efficiency at work by imposing one way to resolve a problem and applying it everywhere in the company at any time or any place....

26 Oct. 2011

History of Britain before Shakespeare

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Histoire contemporaine

Before 450 AD: Celtic Originally the populations of England were mixed, partly Neolithic and Celtic, Celts of Britonnic variety (the Britons), hence the first name of the island, Britannia when it was conquered by the Romans who only were stopped by the Scots up north. Between 450 and 650 AD:...

14 févr. 2008

Placement report: The launch of eBay in an OXFAM charity shop

Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Management organisation

From the 13th of May to the 4th of August, I was in Bristol, a town from the South West of England. From the beginning, I knew that I wanted to go to England because it is the nearest country to learn English and also because I was interested to discover its culture its system a little more. My...

04 Oct. 2009

Learned centered approach

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

In the teaching process, there are two main categories of actors: teachers, and students. I found important to notice that, through years, the students' environment changed a lot (school violence, diversity of the population, etc.) and therefore their needs changed as well. In the Secondary...

04 août 2009

Rapport de stage chez S.T.A.T. à Milan

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation

I worked as a secretary during two months in a society called S.T.A.T. This company offers its services to small communes to collect taxes. Indeed in Italy each commune is intended to collect taxes for the state. There is no public service like the French one to collect taxes. It is the...