Rapport de stage effectué chez Smart and Co
Rapport de stage - 38 pages - Management organisation
Ma première analyse se porta donc sur mes précédentes expériences. Celles-ci se résument à deux stages en agence de voyages (BTS VPT), un stage en Aéroport (BTS VPT), un stage pour un site professionnel d'information touristique (Licence Production), et enfin en Master 1, un stage dans le TO...
Starbucks coffee: Service analysis
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Management organisation
The first Starbucks store opened in 1970 in Seattle in the US. It was at first, only a coffees beans retailer. After ten years, Howard Shultz joined the company, and after a business trip to Italy in 1983 where he discovered the concept of coffee cafes, he tried to introduce it to the...
AMD: A customer-centric approach to innovation
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Management organisation
AMD was founded in 19691 by Jerry Sanders, formerly of Fairchild Semiconductor. The company started to focus on microprocessors in the mid 1970s. It designed and manufactured microprocessors for the computing, communications, and consumer electronics market. The company employed...
Events Management : The World Travel Market 2008
Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Marketing tourisme
After an overview of the business market, I chose an Event in the UK environment: The World Travel Market 2008 which is a B2B exhibition taking place in London every year and which aims is to promote the travel market and it's actors and generate a network between them....
Schneider presents the best manufacturing processes to satisfy customers' requirements
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Logistique
During the course of BA in business management (final year), we had to work in a foreign country. To improve my level of English, I took up an internship in Nu-Lec Industries, a company of Schneider Electric located in Brisbane in Australia. Schneider Electric is a worldwide company known to the...
Probation report: Six week training course at the Lannion local mission
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Psychologie
This report is a summary of my probation during my third year as faculty of the psychology department. This work had been requested by my faculty for the validation of my license in the year 2009-2010. I did this training course at the local mission of Lannion for six weeks, alternating this...
Event Merchandising Limited (rapport de stage 2006)
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation
Event Merchandising Limited develops and markets merchandise to a world-wide audience. It works closely with new and established brands. From blue chip corporate requirements to selling at live events, from setting up licensing programme to running online shops. Whether the...
Gestion et optimisation de processus de reporting financier : Accenture
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Finance
C'est chez Accenture, entreprise leader dans le monde du conseil en hautes technologies, intégration de systèmes et externalisation, que j'ai effectué mon stage de fin d'études. Le projet initial prévoyait la mise en place d'un outil basé sur une interface Web utilisant de nouvelles technologies...
Developing the Museums' volunteer programmed: "intouch:insideout" project
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
The brief for this project is to develop the intouch volunteer programme that is currently run by the Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) and the Manchester Museum. The funding for the current scheme is due to expire in 2009 (Management studies briefing 2008) and a key aspect of the...
Internship Report - Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York
Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Marketing médias
The Film Society of Lincoln Center was founded in 1969 to celebrate American and international cinema, recognize and support new filmmakers as well as enhance awareness, accessibility and understanding of the art. An independent performing arts center, The Film Society hosts...
Intership Report - Rocky Springs station
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Management organisation
This year, I spent 12 weeks on Rocky Springs Station: a cattle farm in North Queensland. I met people who helped me to understand a new way of farming in a different environment. North Queensland is a wild area with a very strong climatic pressure where it is very difficult to breed cattle....
Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit
During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the...
Placement report: The launch of eBay in an OXFAM charity shop
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Management organisation
From the 13th of May to the 4th of August, I was in Bristol, a town from the South West of England. From the beginning, I knew that I wanted to go to England because it is the nearest country to learn English and also because I was interested to discover its culture its system a little...
Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I...
Training Period Report at Issues & Answers
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Marketing des services
My work placement as an international intern in the global Market Research company named Issues & Answers Network, allowed me to discover the Market Research field and to work in an international environment coping with different cultures. Furthermore, this work placement allowed me to...
ELB International Trading & Sourcing Company, China June/ July 2008
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing international
China, 'The monster', 'The dragon of Asia', many names can define the perfectly economic, demographic, and geopolitic weight of this country in the world. Newly on the front of the international media stage due to the Olympic Games, China also speaks about it's economic...
To what extent have the national foreign policies undermined EU-Chinese relations?
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Questions européennes
EU diplomatic relations with China were established in 1975 and are governed by the 1985 EU-China Trade and Cooperation Agreement and seven other legally binding agreements. This rapprochement between the two powers culminated in the setting up in 1988 of a delegation by the...
The French economic diplomacy towards China
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Relations internationales
Bilateral trade between France and China has developed dramatically over the last twenty years. From about 10 billion in 1995, trade volume increased to more than 40 billion today. The annual growth rates of these exchanges- apart from 2009, marked by the global crisis- have...
Business Ethics: Dior
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie
Christian Dior was founded in 1905 in Normandy. In 1946, Dior opened his legendary home at 30 Avenue Montaigne. In February 1947, Dior launched his first collection called Corolle, where women were drawn like flowers. It was the beginning of the success story. Every fashion book said that the...
Placement report: Assurances générales de France of Allianz AGF
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Finance
The AGF Group is a major player in insurance and financial services, both in France and in more than twenty countries around the world. It has more than 60 billion clients from more than 70 countries world-wide. Backed by the n° 1 in European insurance, Allianz AG, of which it is a...
Software business models for AUTOSAR automotive world standard (rapport de stage, 2006)
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Informatique
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open Standard ARchitecture) is a promising initiative that aims at establishing open standards for automotive E/E architecture. AUTOSAR compliant basic software ensures independency of the application software from the underlying hardware and allows modularity as well...
Mathematical Solution for the attitude of Phoenix lander's radar (rapport de stage)
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Mathématiques
I was very lucky to go to the United States and finally get this kind of an internship because, I had been given the opportunity to work in one of the most productive scientific sector of the country, The Californian Institute of Technology. This American college is one of the research...
Business Strategy of consulting marketing firm "Le Tre Caravelle (tourism, real estate)"
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Marketing tourisme
Le Tre Caravelle is a marketing company specialized in the field of tourism, hotel and real estate. This company, based in Milan, primarily works off line on advertising and events, such as "planning and management of multi-media campaign, stands and fairs", but also...
International work experience: ROC Hotel
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Marketing tourisme
For my school I had to do a travel in another country in the goal to have an experience of work at the stranger. To find my summer job, I asked an organization called Inter Séjour. With the help of this company, I found a job in a hotel in Mallorca where I will be fed, Accommodated...
Why will political advisors become indispensable during military functions?
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
It is widely accepted that in almost all military decisions, the political factor has to be taken into account. To that extent is a political advisor or polad needed in the military institutions as well as on the field? The face of warfare has irrevocably changed, as Robert Gates,...
MaxRoam analysis
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie
MaxRoam is a service provided by Cubic Telecom, a global mobile communications company. Actually, MaxRoam is a small agency based in Ireland, which employs currently less than 20 people. MaxRoam was the first to sell micro Sims for iPads, beating all the big telecommunications companies. MaxRoam...
To what extent does the resolution of the 2005 so-called "Bra War" contribute to a better understanding of the Union's trade negotiation agenda?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Relations internationales
This study does not aim at weighing the pros and the cons of EU's way of dealing with the impending Chinese textiles competition, nor does it try to assess European Member States' (MSs) ability to reach consensus during trade negotiation rounds. Building on Robert Putnam's heuristic...
Case study of Chalet Exquis, an online business
Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Stratégie
The range of digital media is vast and is growing rapidly. The internet provides a wide variety of activities, including electronic mail, global information access and retrieval systems, discussion groups, multiplayer's games and file transfer facilities. (chris...
Dorel Juvenile Group
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing produit
Dorel Juvenile Group is a part of Dorel Industries, which is a global consumer products company. Dorel Industries is divided into three independent business segments: Juvenile, Home Furnishings and Leisure. Dorel employs approximately 4,800 people and its products are sold over 60...
Internship report: Hypovereinsbank
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation
In the south east of Asia, Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta. The territory was a British colony since 1842 and returned to China in 1997. Since this date, Hong Kong is called The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Half independent, half Chinese, the...