Missions et fonctionnement de l'ARE (Accueil Raccordement Electricité) chez chez ERDF
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation
Le distributeur ERDF souhaite mettre en uvre un accueil capable de prendre en compte, de traiter et de suivre les demandes de raccordement électricité quel qu'en soit le type (neufs, déplacements de comptage, branchements provisoires ) et le demandeur (tiers, clients et leur mandataire...
Epreuve E2 Bac Pro Commerce : action de promotion et d'animation en unité commerciale
Rapport de stage - 18 pages - Management organisation
La communication passe par divers canaux pour informer les clients lors d'opérations commerciales et autres : - Pour le média, Go Sport utilise l'affichage local (4 X 3), la radio locale (parfois nationale), la presse (nationale, spécialisée, magazines, quotidiens gratuits...), Internet...
Direction et gestion d'une compagnie de tourisme fluvial
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Marketing produit
Dans le cadre du jeu d'entreprise prévu lors de la première semaine de notre stage de rentrée, nous avons appris à diriger et à gérer une compagnie de tourisme fluvial qui exploite une zone portuaire dans la région d'Aquitaine riche en voies d'eau et canaux aménagés. A la découverte...
History of Britain before Shakespeare
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Histoire contemporaine
Before 450 AD: Celtic Originally the populations of England were mixed, partly Neolithic and Celtic, Celts of Britonnic variety (the Britons), hence the first name of the island, Britannia when it was conquered by the Romans who only were stopped by the Scots up north. Between 450 and 650 AD:...
Designing a waiting room for children in a hospital, supervised by Eureka, the Museum for children
Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Architecture
This is the report about my placement in EUREKA!, the children's museum in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. In the following pages, this report attempts to highligh a global view of a design project such as a children's waiting room in a hospital and on a wider scale, the work of an...
The launch of hairdressing salon "Tchip" in Australia
Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Stratégie
The objective of this report is to launch the hairdressing salon Tchip in Australia. In France, Tchip is directed by Franck François and is part of the VOG group. Franck Francois is the founder of the concept of low cost hair salons and nowadays, Tchip is the leader in its sector. Its...
The impact of smart phones on business and private life
Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation
Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...
Projet d'animation - Cycle pédagogique (BPJEPS)
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
Lors de mes entretiens avec les différents acteurs de la structure, et particulièrement avec la présidente de Familles Rurales, il est ressorti que les valeurs de l'association étaient principalement tournées vers l'entraide et la solidarité ; ce qui correspond également à mes valeurs et...
Rapport de stage d'un professeur d'EPS au Collège
Rapport de stage - 82 pages - Sport
Notre stage s'est déroulé au collège Lou Vignarès de Vedène. Notre stage avait lieu tous les vendredis matin de 8h 30 à 12h 30, du 5 janvier au 17 avril. De 8h 30 à 10 h 30, nous avions la charge de mener une séance d'EPS à une classe de troisième. Cette dernière était composée de 25...
Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States, with...
Promoting Democracy
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Sciences politiques
Chapter four of Payne's book deals with the notion of democracy, which is a very old one. Democracy is a process, that is to say it is in constant evolution. Today, we can say that most developed countries are democratic, and each country has followed a different path to achieve democracy. The...
Mémoire de stage sur la refonte de l'architecture des statistiques produits de la Française des Jeux
Rapport de stage - 55 pages - Management organisation
La Française des Jeux est une entreprise à la fois conservatrice en raison de son attachement fort à l'état français mais libérale dans sa politique d'expansion et de renouvellement régulier.
Dorel Juvenile Group
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing produit
Dorel Juvenile Group is a part of Dorel Industries, which is a global consumer products company. Dorel Industries is divided into three independent business segments: Juvenile, Home Furnishings and Leisure. Dorel employs approximately 4,800 people and its products are sold over 60 countries all...
Comparative analysis of the key success factors in a public relations agency in GB and other countries. (Placement report)
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Management organisation
During June and July, I did my first internship in a public relations company based in London, called Bell Pottinger. I didn't know exactly what the challenges were in this field, so it was a chance to learn many new things. Chime Communications PLC is the holding company of 35 companies...
Enseigner la musique à des enfants de maternelle
Rapport de stage - 2 pages - Musique et danse
Ce document est la présentation d'un cours de musique qui s'étale sur six séances auprès d'un jeune public (entre grande section et CP). « Dans mon piano » est une chanson qui a été écrite par Patrick BOUSQUET et la musique a été composée par Stéphane POLGE. Ce chant conviendrait...
Interview of a sales person of Renault in Guyancourt
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Management organisation
The interview was conducted in Renault Guyancourt, the Renault Center, close to Paris. The interview was arranged by me since the salesperson interviewed is my cousin. First of all, I have to say that it was rather hard to manage a time when we were both available which is the reason why, I first...
Micro-contact printing for immobilization of DNA on surfaces
Rapport de stage - 35 pages - Biologie
The growing interest in DNA biochips for rapid detection of diseases, infections, genetic contaminations, and hereditary illnesses necessitates the understanding of how DNA macromolecules may be immobilized on surfaces with high density, reproducibility and precision. These are the reasons why...
Internship report: Hypovereinsbank
Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation
In the south east of Asia, Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta. The territory was a British colony since 1842 and returned to China in 1997. Since this date, Hong Kong is called The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Half independent, half Chinese, the region...
Placement report: Assurances générales de France of Allianz AGF
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Finance
The AGF Group is a major player in insurance and financial services, both in France and in more than twenty countries around the world. It has more than 60 billion clients from more than 70 countries world-wide. Backed by the n° 1 in European insurance, Allianz AG, of which it is a major entity,...
Software business models for AUTOSAR automotive world standard (rapport de stage, 2006)
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Informatique
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open Standard ARchitecture) is a promising initiative that aims at establishing open standards for automotive E/E architecture. AUTOSAR compliant basic software ensures independency of the application software from the underlying hardware and allows modularity as well as...
Rapport de stage : La Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG) et le Fath Union Sport (FUS)
Rapport de stage - 58 pages - Marketing bancaire
Dans le cadre de la diversification de ses activités, la CDG, a récemment fait l'acquisition d'un club de football : le FUS (Fath union sport). Cette acquisition est différente des autres dans la mesure où le FUS a le statut juridique d'une association et non de société anonyme. L'enjeu étant...
Internship Report - Publicis Frankfurt GmbH (2006)
Rapport de stage - 43 pages - Marketing des services
I undertook and completed my 1st year internship assignment within the highly reputed international German advertising agency Publicis Frankfurt GmbH from 1st September 2005 to 31st July 2006. Publicis Frankfurt is ranked among Germany's top 4 advertising agencies. Publicis Frankfurt has a...
Developing the Museums' volunteer programmed: "intouch:insideout" project
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
The brief for this project is to develop the intouch volunteer programme that is currently run by the Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) and the Manchester Museum. The funding for the current scheme is due to expire in 2009 (Management studies briefing 2008) and a key aspect of the project is to...
Le rôle de la méthode ludique dans l'apprentissage
Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Le jeu fait partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne. Que ce soit à travers des jeux de mots, de rôles, de logique, ou encore des jeux vidéos, il est évident que les Hommes sont constamment à la recherche de pratiques ludiques, reconnues comme des activités de loisirs, source de plaisir. En...
Mise en place d'un générateur air chaud - air froid dans une usine Bosch
Rapport de stage - 30 pages - Physique
L'objectif de ce stage fut tout d'abord de me familiariser avec le monde de l'industrie et de permettre la mise en oeuvre des connaissances théoriques que j'ai acquises lors de ma formation au service de l'entreprise. Cela m'a offert la possibilité de faire la corrélation entre la théorie et la...
McDonald's Company profile and SWOT analysis
Rapport de stage - 28 pages - Stratégie
Largest fast food chain in the world Our focus: - McDonald's America - McDonald's Thailand Founded in 1940 in San Bernardino, CA by Dick and Mac McDonald, McDonald's began franchising in 1955 with the implementation of speedee service system. The fast food chain is currently...
Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I learnt during...
To what extent have the national foreign policies undermined EU-Chinese relations?
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Questions européennes
EU diplomatic relations with China were established in 1975 and are governed by the 1985 EU-China Trade and Cooperation Agreement and seven other legally binding agreements. This rapprochement between the two powers culminated in the setting up in 1988 of a delegation by the EC Commission in...
Multinational business and globalization
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Stratégie
Above all, let's start by explaining what globalization is. Many definitions exist some are too minimalist, others too general. The term used to describe the current state of the global economy has become a fashionable word. We retain that: Globalization is a process (or set of...
Operation Management
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Stratégie
There have been many significant changes in operations management during the past few years, involving such aspects as quality, reduction in inventory and costs, improving delivery and lead times. We are going to discuss these changes, the consequences and expectations for Operations...