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21 Sept. 2010

Rapport de stage en tant que Conseiller de vente chez Score Game

Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Management organisation

Les jeux vidéo font la passion de milliers d'enfants, mais aussi le succès d'enseignes très spécialisées. Score Game est l'une d'elles. Aujourd'hui, pour mon stage de vente "Ouverture et culture 1", j'ai mené des recherches actives en allant directement à la...

19 déc. 2011

The impact of smart phones on business and private life

Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation

Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile manufacturer felt that...

19 déc. 2011

Case study of Chalet Exquis, an online business

Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Stratégie

“The range of digital media is vast and is growing rapidly. The internet provides a wide variety of activities, including electronic mail, global information access and retrieval systems, discussion groups, multiplayer's games and file transfer facilities.” (chris fill, fifth...

04 déc. 2009

ELB International Trading & Sourcing Company, China June/ July 2008

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing international

China, 'The monster', 'The dragon of Asia', many names can define the perfectly economic, demographic, and geopolitic weight of this country in the world. Newly on the front of the international media stage due to the Olympic Games, China also speaks about it's economic...

04 févr. 2010

Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report

Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States,...

01 Nov. 2011

International logistics and procurement (2010-2011)

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Logistique

Definition of procurement: It can be defined as the purchase of goods or services at the optimum possible cost, in the correct amount and quality. These goods/services are also purchased at the correct time and location by signing a contract. Definition of logistics: It is to get the right...

22 Nov. 2011

The implementation of Kosta Boda in the French market

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie

Kosta Boda is a Sweden company of design and making high quality of glassware and art glass. Founded in 1742, Kosta Boda is today a reference in this sector in Sweden. Its originality, its know-how and numbers of famous designers inside the company gave to Kosta Boda an image of luxury,...

30 Mars 2011

Interview of a sales person of Renault in Guyancourt

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Management organisation

The interview was conducted in Renault Guyancourt, the Renault Center, close to Paris. The interview was arranged by me since the salesperson interviewed is my cousin. First of all, I have to say that it was rather hard to manage a time when we were both available which is the reason why, I first...

22 avril 2009

Designing a waiting room for children in a hospital, supervised by Eureka, the Museum for children

Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Architecture

This is the report about my placement in EUREKA!, the children's museum in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. In the following pages, this report attempts to highligh a global view of a design project such as a children's waiting room in a hospital and on a wider scale, the work of an...

16 Sept. 2009

Dunnes Stores Georges Street - Loyalty Card Program

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Marketing consommateur

The purpose of this study is to understand how loyalty programs represent a specific area with specific rules to be efficient and attracting customers with special rewards requires constant adaptation in the approach of driving a promotional strategy. Among the changes associated with the...

23 juin 2010

The British Council (2009-2010)

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Stratégie

My school HEM (High Establishment of Management) organized a special training that is scheduled in the middle of the academic year during 6 weeks for its student's, by choosing one of the institutes within or outside our country specialized in teaching English as a language that it's used in many...

02 févr. 2011

Stage ingénieur au laboratoire VIVA à Ottawa : détection de copie vidéo

Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Informatique

Au terme des études entrepris en école d'ingénieur, ce stage vient clôturer et mettre en oeuvre 3 ans d'acquis ingénieur. D'une durée de cinq mois et dans un pays étranger, il m'a permis d'appliquer une grande partie de mes acquis en traitement de l'image. Il m'a apporté également de nouvelles...

04 Oct. 2009

Learned centered approach

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

In the teaching process, there are two main categories of actors: teachers, and students. I found important to notice that, through years, the students' environment changed a lot (school violence, diversity of the population, etc.) and therefore their needs changed as well. In the Secondary...

04 août 2009

Rapport de stage chez S.T.A.T. à Milan

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation

I worked as a secretary during two months in a society called S.T.A.T. This company offers its services to small communes to collect taxes. Indeed in Italy each commune is intended to collect taxes for the state. There is no public service like the French one to collect taxes. It is the...

03 juin 2024

Best Health - Stage de perfectionnement

Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Comptabilité

Best Health, leader marocain en équipement médico-chirurgical, est une entreprise qui fournit des matériels médico-chirurgicaux depuis 1969, SCRIM est également une entreprise qui fournit des matériels médico-chirurgicaux au service de la santé depuis plus de 50 ans. Best Health a...

20 avril 2009

La gestion comptable chez un grand distributeur de jouets

Rapport de stage - 45 pages - Comptabilité

Compte-rendu d'un stage de niveau DUT effectué au sein du siège du groupe King Jouet à Voiron en Isère dans le service Comptabilité clients.

08 juin 2011

Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts

This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I learnt during...

13 févr. 2007

Report of internship and scholarship in London, Asia and USA

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Marketing international

American people make very universal and formal workers. They plan everything and tend to never change their schedule. They are always looking for effectiveness and efficiency at work by imposing one way to resolve a problem and applying it everywhere in the company at any time or any place....

27 Mars 2008

Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc

Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit

During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...

02 Nov. 2011

Integration of E-business within the company - The Redoute

Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Stratégie

The Redoute was created in the 1820s. In the past, it was a company specialized in woolen shadowing. Its founder, Charles Pollet, named it in honor of the street where the company was originally implanted, it was the street of “The Redoute”, in Roubaix, in the North of France. For more...

02 Janv. 2012

The French economic diplomacy towards China

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Relations internationales

Bilateral trade between France and China has developed dramatically over the last twenty years. From about €10 billion in 1995, trade volume increased to more than €40 billion today. The annual growth rates of these exchanges- apart from 2009, marked by the global crisis- have reached...

22 juil. 2015

Rapport de stage en management au sein d'un complexe aquatique

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation

Pour notre seconde année en Dut GEA, nous devons faire un stage en entreprise d'une durée de deux mois dans le but d'appliquer la théorie à la pratique, nous permettant ainsi de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement d'une entreprise et mieux nous préparer à la vie professionnelle. J'ai donc choisi...

05 mai 2004

Rapport de stage au sein de la société Ubi Soft

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Marketing technologies

Ubi Soft est née en 1986. Crée par 5 frères (les frères Guillemot, qui développèrent aussi une importante société de matériel informatique ludique, tels que joysticks, cartes sonores etc.) la société est basée en Bretagne où elle conserve encore aujourd'hui un important lieu de stockage à...

02 Janv. 2012

Environmental issues linked to North-South relations posing a challenge for Geopolitics

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Sciences politiques

Economic globalization, global media flows and the Internet seem to make our traditional conception of geopolitics, in terms of political geography and international relations, no longer appropriate. The deepening impacts of globalization, especially within North-South relations, have undeniably...

30 mai 2007

Dorel Juvenile Group

Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing produit

Dorel Juvenile Group is a part of Dorel Industries, which is a global consumer products company. Dorel Industries is divided into three independent business segments: Juvenile, Home Furnishings and Leisure. Dorel employs approximately 4,800 people and its products are sold over 60 countries all...

19 Nov. 2009

Events Management : The World Travel Market 2008

Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Marketing tourisme

After an overview of the business market, I chose an Event in the UK environment: The World Travel Market 2008 which is a B2B exhibition taking place in London every year and which aims is to promote the travel market and it's actors and generate a network between them. Throughout this event,...

30 Oct. 2015

Concours inter-membres de Pony Games et fête de Noël: Centre équestre X

Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Communication

Le centre équestre du X propose des tarifs abordables avec des forfaits annuels et sans adhésion au club, ce qui présente un avantage économique certain et qui permet à chacun d'envisager ce sport. (cf. Annexe 4). Le club compte d'ailleurs plus de 300 licenciés dont 15 licences compétition. On...

30 Mars 2011

MaxRoam analysis

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Stratégie

MaxRoam is a service provided by Cubic Telecom, a global mobile communications company. Actually, MaxRoam is a small agency based in Ireland, which employs currently less than 20 people. MaxRoam was the first to sell micro Sims for iPads, beating all the big telecommunications companies. MaxRoam...

28 Oct. 2008

Responsable de l'opération Cegetel et découverte des métiers en grande distribution

Rapport de stage - 21 pages - Marketing distribution

Durant ce stage, effectué au sein de l'entreprise d'électroménager Boulanger, je n'ai occupé qu'un seul service, celui de l'informatique et de téléphonie. Afin de bien le comprendre et de pouvoir le décrire au mieux, j'ai choisi d'adopter dans ce rapport de stage un...

12 Oct. 2007

Rapport de stage NETCOM cybercafé

Rapport de stage - 59 pages - Management organisation

Rapport d'un stage réalisé chez NETCOM cybercafé. Présentation de la société, des missions du stagiaire, du travail réalisé...