To what extent, if any, are Japanese people, culture and organizations transformed in overseas contexts?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
Japan is, and always has been, seen as a group of mysterious islands, of which people knew little about, due to its far location from Europe and America. Indeed, 250 years of almost complete isolation of the country, which started in the 18th Century (Tokugawa Era) did not help the world...
To what extent is there a need for the European Union in 2010?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes
With the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the European Union begins 2010 with a new look', according to VOA News. The European Union has strengthened its institutions, with a new president of the European Union'; Herman Von Rompuy and a new High...
Why will political advisors become indispensable during military functions?
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
It is widely accepted that in almost all military decisions, the political factor has to be taken into account. To that extent is a political advisor or polad needed in the military institutions as well as on the field? The face of warfare has irrevocably changed, as Robert...
Commentary on the extract from 'The Downing Street years', By Margaret Thatcher
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Littérature
In 'The Downing Street Years', published in 1993, Margaret Thatcher tackles the subject of the Brixton riots of 1981 and relates how she dealt with the proliferation of riots after the publication of the Scarman report. In the extract studied here, she argues that her economic policy is...
Human Resource Management: Denmark and Japan
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Ressources humaines
Human resource management is A strategic approach to acquiring, utilizing and managing an organization's key resource-its People. HRM regards the creation of an environment, the continuous development, stakeholders' interests, and the management of change or the fact to provide...
International Humanitarian Law
Rapport de stage - 22 pages - Relations internationales
Critically analyse the prohibition against the use of mercenaries in Article 47 of API. - Would the Brigade of Gurkhas or the French Foreign Legion be considered as mercenaries under this definition ? - Evaluate the extent to which the UN Convention on Mercenaries develops the law in this area....
Rapport de stage effectué en tant qu'assistant logistique au sein du siège social de Leroy Merlin Grèce
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Logistique
Leroy Merlin décide de s'implanter en Grèce en 2005. Pendant plus de deux ans, l'entreprise entreprendra des études et des analyses avant de lancer son premier magasin en 2007, à l'aéroport Venizélos d'Athènes. Aujourd'hui, 5 ans plus tard, Leroy Merlin Grèce compte 5 magasins, dont un à Chypre....
Rapport de stage : réalisation d'un projet dans le domaine de la Vision Industrielle
Rapport de stage - 30 pages - Management organisation
Comme chaque année, les étudiants ont la possibilité de réaliser un stage. Ceci est une chance unique de participer et de s'intégrer au milieu industriel. Le présent stage s'est effectué dans l'entreprise "Classic IT" chargé dans la conception et la réalisation de solutions...
Introduction to capital markets: Focus on Equity
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Finance
This presentation provides an overview of Equity and Equity derivatives (definition, illustrated examples, stakeholders, etc.). This is a useful tool for students and professional operations in the capital markets (consultants, new joiners in the financial markets, etc.) to gain understanding of...
Developing the Museums' volunteer programmed: "intouch:insideout" project
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
The brief for this project is to develop the intouch volunteer programme that is currently run by the Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) and the Manchester Museum. The funding for the current scheme is due to expire in 2009 (Management studies briefing 2008) and a key aspect of the project is to...
The demographic data of the French society (2008)
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
The total French population on January 1, 2011 is 65 million (63.1 million in mainland France and 1.9 million in the French overseas departments). The average age of the population, which is rising constantly, is currently 40.1 years. The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (in...
To what extent does the resolution of the 2005 so-called "Bra War" contribute to a better understanding of the Union's trade negotiation agenda?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Relations internationales
This study does not aim at weighing the pros and the cons of EU's way of dealing with the impending Chinese textiles competition, nor does it try to assess European Member States' (MSs) ability to reach consensus during trade negotiation rounds. Building on Robert Putnam's heuristic...
Book review: Bicameralism
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
The book Bicameralism, by George Tsebelis and Jeannette Money, was published in 1997 by New York: Cambridge University Press. As indicated by the sober title, the authors study bicameralism, or a legislature that involves two distinct chambers in its deliberation - from the...
Luxury goods in China
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie
The increasing demand for luxury goods can be traced back to two important factors. Firstly the transition of China from a planned economy to a market economy and the opening of borders to foreign trade in 1978 have allowed luxury brands to penetrate the Chinese market. Secondly, this reform of...
Strategic management
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation
Context: Our firm, SYNERGIA is a medium-sized company that makes environmentally friendly cosmetics - cosmetics cover different and important sectors of goods such as make-up, alcoholic fragrance, beauty and care products, hair care, body products ( ) We operate, up to this present-day,...
The Distribution Channel
Rapport de stage - 64 pages - Stratégie
A distribution channel is a way of delivering goods and services between the manufacturers and the customers. The distribution channel is chosen to cover the widest possible target market Choices of the decisions about the product (definition, caracteristics, packaging ) What is the...
The French economic diplomacy towards China
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Relations internationales
Bilateral trade between France and China has developed dramatically over the last twenty years. From about 10 billion in 1995, trade volume increased to more than 40 billion today. The annual growth rates of these exchanges- apart from 2009, marked by the global crisis- have reached...
Analysis starch in fibre
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Chimie
This document summarizes my training period at Tilbury in England. I chose this place in order to discover the English way of life and to improve my knowledge of English as well. I worked under the supervision of Andy Waterman and Tom Cripps and in collaboration with Renzi Virginie, on a method...
Présentation en anglais d'une mission au Crédit Agricole : "les NPAI"
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Management organisation
A mail with the mention "NPAI" is a letter which hasn't been distributed by post office because the recipient has not been found. This mail is sent back by postal services to the sender: the bank agency to the customer concerned. Therefore, the customer doesn't receive its bank...
Tag Heuer Strategy: Comparative Analysis of Switzerland and UAE
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Stratégie
Tag Heuer, which was founded in 1860, occupies a niche segment of the Swiss watch and clock industry, which was founded by Jean Calvin in Geneva towards the end of the 16th century. Watches constitute Switzerland's third biggest export (after chemicals and industrial machines) with a...
Etude et mise en place d'une solution cloud computing
Rapport de stage - 52 pages - Informatique
Il y a quelques années, on nommait ASP (Application Service Provider) le fait de proposer une application sous forme de service. En remontant un peu plus loin en arrière, dans les années 60, IBM proposait déjà l'informatique « on-demand ». Les années 80 furent aussi le début des concepts de...
Treaty of Rome and social policies
Rapport de stage - 1 pages - Relations internationales
On 25 March, 1957, six founders - France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg - signed the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), a common market with free movement of goods, capital, labor and services. In this paper, we will try to understand the...
Le développement des solutions de technologies de l'information : le cas Inet Consulting
Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Informatique
INET Consulting est une entreprise qui offre un spectre complet de solutions et conseils informatiques, surfant ainsi entre le développement et la gestion des logiciels, l'intégration des systèmes, le développement des applications clients, l'intégration des applications ainsi que leur migration...
Cloud Computing - Overview, layers, usages and benefits
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Théories marketing
What is cloud computing? The main idea of this new concept of the computer science, is that you can get the power you need whenever you want. How can it be possible? In fact, cloud computing is a new paradigm of computing infrastructure. But what is so incredible in cloud computing to...
Comment fidéliser les Ressources humaines dans une entreprise où l'humain est la principale richesse ?
Rapport de stage - 28 pages - Ressources humaines
L'entreprise est une SSII (Société de Services en Ingénierie Informatique) de 275 salariés, dont le siège social est basé à Lyon. Elle est divisée en deux parties : L'entreprise SA (Société Anonyme) et L'entreprise IT (Information Technology), dû à l'historique de...
La mise en place au collège d'une pédagogie différenciée : un moyen de travailler avec l'hétérogénéité des classes
Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
Cette année de stage IUFM est pour moi une expérience nouvelle un peu particulière par rapport au cas des autres stagiaires car je dispose déjà d'une expérience de l'enseignement. J'ai en effet déjà été ATER (Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche) pendant trois ans....
Comment dynamiser les ventes des enceintes nomades dans mon unité commerciale ? - Soutenance de stage
Rapport de stage - 53 pages - Marketing consommateur
Cette présentation PowerPoint est le support utilisé lors d'une soutenance de stage. Ce dernier a été effectué au sein de l'unité commerciale d'un magasin du groupe Darty.
Rapport de stage d'EPS : apprentissage de l'autonomie en laissant faire
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Sport
Dans l'après-guerre, cette EP devait répondre à un enjeu sanitaire où il s'agissait de redresser le pays en recouvrant la santé. Et, depuis le début des années 60, elle est mise au service d'un enjeu culturel et a pour objet général de permettre non seulement la réussite scolaire mais...
Rapport de stage en CP sur les méthodes de lecture (Master SMEEF)
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Les horaires sont : 8h45 à 11h45 puis 13h45 à 16h45. Les 7 Professeurs des Ecoles sont tous des Maîtres Formateurs. Des employés municipaux interviennent chaque jour dans l'école pour l'entretien des locaux. L'équipe pédagogique reçoit également l'aide d'une assistante en...
Image de soi ou reflet de la déficience
Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
La prise en compte des personnes en situation de handicap occupe une place croissante dans notre dispositif social. En effet, nous assistons aujourd'hui à de nombreuses interrogations concernant les moyens et les modes d'accompagnement de ces personnes. La politique d'intégration...