Analysis of the shampoo market
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme
Beauty and hair care product business is witnessed as a popular and fast growing business. Lots of people spend on beauty and hair care products like shampoo, hair conditioner, hair treatment and so on. So a hair care product has a great potential market because it has a significant...
Introduction to capital markets: Focus on Equity
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Finance
This presentation provides an overview of Equity and Equity derivatives (definition, illustrated examples, stakeholders, etc.). This is a useful tool for students and professional operations in the capital markets (consultants, new joiners in the financial markets, etc.) to gain...
Rapport de stage Master 2 Banque Finance en brokerage (courtage)
Rapport de stage - 38 pages - Management organisation
Dans le cadre du Master 2 professionnel Banque Finance de l'Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne, j'ai choisi d'effectuer mon stage de fin d'études au sein de la société ODDO & Cie, dans la division historique du groupe : ODDO SECURITIES. Ce stage s'avère être un atout...
Gestion au siège social du Groupe APICIL (2008) : mise à jour des référentiels titres dans le logiciel de Back Office
Rapport de stage - 18 pages - Finance
Mon stage s'est déroulé au siège social du Groupe APICIL et plus particulièrement au sein de la Direction Administrative et Financière au service Back Office. Le service Back Office s'occupe essentiellement de valider en aval les différents titres achetés par les gérants de...
The impact of smart phones on business and private life
Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation
Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile...
Rapport de stage effectué au sein du service marketing de la société Experian
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Marketing des services
La société Experian fut créée en Grande-Bretagne en 1996, de la fusion du Britannique CCN Group et des Américains TWR Information Systems & Services et Direct Marketing Technologies. Son actionnaire unique depuis 1996, le groupe GUS (Great Universal Store), décide de la coter en bourse le 11...
Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report
Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States,...
To what extent does the resolution of the 2005 so-called "Bra War" contribute to a better understanding of the Union's trade negotiation agenda?
Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Relations internationales
This study does not aim at weighing the pros and the cons of EU's way of dealing with the impending Chinese textiles competition, nor does it try to assess European Member States' (MSs) ability to reach consensus during trade negotiation rounds. Building on Robert Putnam's heuristic...
Dorel Juvenile Group
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing produit
Dorel Juvenile Group is a part of Dorel Industries, which is a global consumer products company. Dorel Industries is divided into three independent business segments: Juvenile, Home Furnishings and Leisure. Dorel employs approximately 4,800 people and its products are sold over 60 countries all...
Luxury goods in China
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie
The increasing demand for luxury goods can be traced back to two important factors. Firstly the transition of China from a planned economy to a market economy and the opening of borders to foreign trade in 1978 have allowed luxury brands to penetrate the Chinese market....
John Major and the Single Currency
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes
At a time of numerous issues about an Economic and Monetary Union between the European Countries, Britain, which was a powerful state in Europe, was led to consider the membership. Eventually, Britain joined the European Economic Community and the Economic and Monetary System but the European...
Tata Motors: Current and new business strategies
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Management organisation
With USD 8.8 billion revenues in 2007-08, Tata Motors is the largest Indian automobile company; it holds a very good place on the Indian market because it is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. The company is also the world's fourth largest...
To analyze the effects of Fair Trade on international trade and especially on the coffee industry
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Théories économiques
There are many definitions for fair trade, however, none of which have been accepted as a standard definition. The Fairtrade Foundation, Oxfam and Traidcraft have agreed the following common definition of fair trade: Fair Trade is an alternative approach to conventional international trade....
The downfall of Lehman Brothers and its relation to the current financial crisis
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Théories économiques
In this report, we will study the financial crisis experienced by the Lehman Brothers and its subsequent collapse in 2008. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was a global financial-services firm, and one of the most important primary dealers in the U.S. with respect to treasury securities and...
A new line of San Francisco-style sourdough bread: "Au bon moulin" company- the authentic bread
Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Management organisation
Au bon Moulin was created in 2000 in France by Dubois' family. This familial bakery opened its doors with a new concept for the bakery industry. Indeed, Dubois' family wanted to make green bread with raw materials produced ecologically and make their bread in ecological...
La modélisation du Profit and Loss (P&L) : Cas du groupe ENOSIS à Jorf Lasfar
Rapport de stage - 66 pages - Finance
C'est avec plaisir que je présente ce rapport de stage effectué au sein du groupe ENOSIS à Jorf Lasfar pour une période de 4 mois, du 01 janvier 2023 au 30 avril de la même année. L'entité opère dans la fabrication des détergents et produits d'hygiènes. Durant ce stage de fin...
Case study of Chalet Exquis, an online business
Rapport de stage - 19 pages - Stratégie
The range of digital media is vast and is growing rapidly. The internet provides a wide variety of activities, including electronic mail, global information access and retrieval systems, discussion groups, multiplayer's games and file transfer facilities. (chris fill, fifth edition)....
Change management: The difficulties in applying change processes
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation
When a company witnesses an important growth or change period, the entrepreneur and the executives needs to manage the changes and adapt the organization to its new expectations. They have to adapt the company to the new demand and ensure this expansion without damaging their global service and...
Discuss the relevance of Gesteland's dimensions in relation to analyzing intercultural business communication
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Stratégie
By the end of the 20th century, 80 percent of the U.S. products were competing in the international market. This fact emphasizes the globalization of the world's economy. The changing environment and increasing complexity of the 21st century workplace makes communication even more...
Internship Report - Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York
Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Marketing médias
The Film Society of Lincoln Center was founded in 1969 to celebrate American and international cinema, recognize and support new filmmakers as well as enhance awareness, accessibility and understanding of the art. An independent performing arts center, The Film Society hosts a 363-day season that...
The Truman Show: Movie Review
Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Cinéma
Many elements in the Truman Show illustrate the reality of our current society and how it works. I will particularly talk about the attitude of viewers who, perhaps unwittingly, are partly responsible for the broadcasting of this kind of program (reality TV shows). I shall also tackle the ethical...
The launch of hairdressing salon "Tchip" in Australia
Rapport de stage - 32 pages - Stratégie
The objective of this report is to launch the hairdressing salon Tchip in Australia. In France, Tchip is directed by Franck François and is part of the VOG group. Franck Francois is the founder of the concept of low cost hair salons and nowadays, Tchip is the leader in its sector. Its...
Internship Report - Publicis Frankfurt GmbH (2006)
Rapport de stage - 43 pages - Marketing des services
I undertook and completed my 1st year internship assignment within the highly reputed international German advertising agency Publicis Frankfurt GmbH from 1st September 2005 to 31st July 2006. Publicis Frankfurt is ranked among Germany's top 4 advertising agencies. Publicis Frankfurt has a...
Internship report in Fleetway Travel Plc
Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit
During 4 months, I had the opportunity to be an intern at Fleetway Travel Plc. The company, based in the heart of Central London, offers many travel products at competitive prices, including tailor-made breaks, flights, hotels, car hire, and travel insurance. I had never worked in the tourism...
Starbucks coffee: Service analysis
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Management organisation
The first Starbucks store opened in 1970 in Seattle in the US. It was at first, only a coffees beans retailer. After ten years, Howard Shultz joined the company, and after a business trip to Italy in 1983 where he discovered the concept of coffee cafes, he tried to introduce it to the Board of...
Stage effectué au sein de CDG capital Maroc (2007)
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Bourse
Le plus ancien établissement bancaire fondé au Maroc a été la banque partante, créée à Tanger en 1844 : elle fût spécialisée dans les opérations de change avec Manchester, Londres, Gibraltar et Marseille. Elle fût suivie, toujours à Tanger, par plusieurs banques du même genre. C'est seulement à...
Intership Report - Rocky Springs station
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Management organisation
This year, I spent 12 weeks on Rocky Springs Station: a cattle farm in North Queensland. I met people who helped me to understand a new way of farming in a different environment. North Queensland is a wild area with a very strong climatic pressure where it is very difficult to breed cattle....
Placement report: The launch of eBay in an OXFAM charity shop
Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Management organisation
From the 13th of May to the 4th of August, I was in Bristol, a town from the South West of England. From the beginning, I knew that I wanted to go to England because it is the nearest country to learn English and also because I was interested to discover its culture its system a little more. My...
Strategic Management: Stribe Stout Company
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation
Tribe Stout Company was founded in 1980 by John Murphy, a former Brewer who was awarded for his products. This is a small family-run company composed of about twenty employees. The company is in a very touristy city of Ireland, Galway. It creates local beer sold in hotels and bars only inside the...
Organizational Behavior
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation
I did a three-month internship in a real estate agency at Rennes. My main missions were to sell the company products, such as flats, land and houses. I also did some marketing tasks such as benchmarking and made a training course about negotiation and trade for employees. This internship and my...