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07 Mars 2011

Defined-benefit and defined-contribution pension schemes

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Théories économiques

Nowadays pension funds are actors of the financial market that cannot be ignored; for example, the asset traded by these funds represented $29.5 trillion in 2009 and moreover, as stated by David Dodge , "pension funds have already become the largest institutional investors among G-10...

03 Janv. 2011

To analyze the effects of Fair Trade on international trade and especially on the coffee industry

Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Théories économiques

There are many definitions for fair trade, however, none of which have been accepted as a standard definition. The Fairtrade Foundation, Oxfam and Traidcraft have agreed the following common definition of fair trade: “Fair Trade is an alternative approach to conventional international...

19 déc. 2011

The impact of smart phones on business and private life

Rapport de stage - 90 pages - Management organisation

Since few years, mobile phone market is changing radically and many new mobile phones, called smart phones or intelligence phones are entering on the market and have produced a boom. Before, those intelligence phones were only dedicated to professional persons, but mobile...

13 févr. 2007

Report of internship and scholarship in London, Asia and USA

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Marketing international

American people make very universal and formal workers. They plan everything and tend to never change their schedule. They are always looking for effectiveness and efficiency at work by imposing one way to resolve a problem and applying it everywhere in the company at...

08 Janv. 2009

The identification, enumeration and survival of probiotic cultures in commercial bio yoghurts

Rapport de stage - 41 pages - Biologie

My work placement in Northern Ireland took place on the Loughry Campus, which provides education and training programs for students who aspire to pursue a career in the agro-food industry and also for postgraduate persons. In recent years, Loughry has developed a wide range of...

17 Janv. 2011

The downfall of Lehman Brothers and its relation to the current financial crisis

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Théories économiques

In this report, we will study the financial crisis experienced by the Lehman Brothers and its subsequent collapse in 2008. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was a global financial-services firm, and one of the most important primary dealers in the U.S. with respect to treasury...

15 juin 2009

Nursery School and Gender Construction

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

I chose to study the links between nursery schools and gender construction because I wanted to show how this institution plays an active role in the representations children have of their social role as boy or girl. As my research is mostly about the toys and the games of the...

25 Janv. 2011

Comparison of the British counter terrorist policies and strategies: The IRA and Al Qaeda

Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Relations internationales

This essay compares the British strategies toward two different cases: the IRA and Al Qaeda. It underlines the main similarities and differences in both cases and also gives an overview of their historical facts. Through the comparison of both cases, this essay shows how...

15 Mars 2011

To what extent have Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility become key strategic drivers for organizations and what is the role of HRM in this?

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Ressources humaines

How does one analyze Human Resources? "Human resources" is based on reason and knowledge and is a term used to refer to how people are managed by organizations. The objective of human resources development is to foster human resourcefulness through enlightened ethics and...

20 Mars 2011

Importance of HRM for small and medium sized companies

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Ressources humaines

At the time of globalization, organizations, which can be regarded as an entity or a social system in its own right, are being forced to adapt to business environments which involve quick responses to change, such as new laws, social trends and a new segment of customers, in order to...

02 Janv. 2012

Human resources and recruitment

Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Ressources humaines

Privacy could be defined as “the freedom to selectively reveal one's self” (CSO Magazine, Logan Roots). Today, we may be frustrated by all the existing instruments created to collect those private pieces of information that most of the time we released by ourselves....

11 Janv. 2012

Comparison of the organization of the different territorial and local authorities in France and England

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Histoire moderne

Planning system in France and England shares many common points; there are different local authorities and territorial collectivity in each country, private and public sector plays an important role in the land-use planning… but there are also lots of differences; policy...

16 févr. 2012

"The natural resources of the United Kingdom (including agriculture, mining, forestry, all raw materials and energy): assets and liabilities on the local and international geopolitical theatre"

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

The United Kingdom's territory is full of diversified natural resources. From their profitability to their confrontation to the global market, the exploitation of these natural resources has been fit on a seasonally adjusted basis. From the agriculture to the mining and production of raw...

02 Janv. 2011

Analysis of a Heineken advertisement

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme

This is a video commercial made by the Dutch brewer Heineken. The commercial begins at a house party, which is probably a house warming party hosted by a couple. The lady shows her friends around and suddenly walks through the master bedroom and into a gigantic walk-in-closet. Her...

10 Nov. 2011

International Arbitration

Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Droit civil

With the growth of the business and financial world, it is more important for all these companies to have a quick and efficient method to resolve the possible disputes that can occur: this alternative dispute resolution method is the Arbitration. Definition and description of...

04 août 2009

Rapport de stage chez S.T.A.T. à Milan

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation

I worked as a secretary during two months in a society called S.T.A.T. This company offers its services to small communes to collect taxes. Indeed in Italy each commune is intended to collect taxes for the state. There is no public service like the French one to collect taxes. It is the...

06 Oct. 2010

The changing meaning of luxury in Europe

Rapport de stage - 50 pages - Stratégie

No longer reserved for the selected few, luxury is now within the reach of a much larger consumer segment. In this analysis we ask Europeans what constitutes „luxury? in their everyday life. As the prospects for obtaining a certain level of material wealth is fulfilled - or it is within...

04 févr. 2010

Living one semester abroad: Overseas experience report

Rapport de stage - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

But when I look back now that summer seemed to last forever and if I had the choice yes, I'd always want to be there. Those were the best days of my life'. This quotation of Canadian singer Bryan Adams sums up pretty well what I think about my exchange program in the United States,...

11 déc. 2011

The Truman Show: Movie Review

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Cinéma

Many elements in the Truman Show illustrate the reality of our current society and how it works. I will particularly talk about the attitude of viewers who, perhaps unwittingly, are partly responsible for the broadcasting of this kind of program (reality TV shows). I shall also tackle the...

17 Mars 2006

Intership Report - Rocky Springs station

Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Management organisation

This year, I spent 12 weeks on Rocky Springs Station: a cattle farm in North Queensland. I met people who helped me to understand a new way of farming in a different environment. North Queensland is a wild area with a very strong climatic pressure where it is very difficult to breed cattle....

05 Mars 2008

Event Merchandising Limited (rapport de stage 2006)

Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Management organisation

Event Merchandising Limited develops and markets merchandise to a world-wide audience. It works closely with new and established brands. From blue chip corporate requirements to selling at live events, from setting up licensing programme to running online shops. Whether the...

29 févr. 2008

Rapport de stage: Association V-Glob Volontaire-globalisation (Placement report)

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Relations internationales

Attracted by humanitarian work since a very long time, I seized the opportunity given to me during my third year of 'applied foreign languages' studies to do a work placement in a non-profit organisation in a third world country. I had been unable to find a placement during term time, as...

22 avril 2009

Developing the Museums' volunteer programmed: "intouch:insideout" project

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts

The brief for this project is to develop the intouch volunteer programme that is currently run by the Imperial War Museum North (IWMN) and the Manchester Museum. The funding for the current scheme is due to expire in 2009 (Management studies briefing 2008) and a key aspect of the...

18 déc. 2009

International Work Experience - My Trip to Charleston, SC

Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Vie quotidienne

The second year of Marketing and European Management, within the international school of management IDRAC Lyon, begins with a cultural trip of two months, named International Work Experience. This stay, is not in a French-speaking country, and enables the students, on one hand, to...

15 Mars 2010

The development of teaching Nicolas

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Stratégie

The entry of Great Britain in the European Union in 1973 started the opening of the market of wine to a larger audience. This product became in a few years, a product of great consumption in England. It is on this report that the Castel group decides to make open stores in London. But the...

27 mai 2008

Container Link

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation

On the occasion of my first year with the La Rochelle Graduate School of Management, I undertook my work placement in a company called Container Link, in Poole, in the south-east of England. This experience, lasting three months, gave me the opportunity to live through a total immersion in...

11 Janv. 2011

Business Ethics - Managing Utopia

Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Management organisation

Since the first Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, but which spread mainly in the nineteenth century, the methods of management have changed. Nowadays, the main target for firms is profit. To achieve this goal, companies do everything they can to be the most...

30 Sept. 2008

Rapport de stage dans une entreprise anglaise

Rapport de stage - 16 pages - Management organisation

On the occasion of my first year within La Rochelle Graduate School of Management, I made my work placement in the company Container Link, in Poole, in the south-east of England. This experience, lasting three months, is the opportunity to live through a total immersion in an...

06 déc. 2011

The death penalty: The importance of dying with honor

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Littérature

In literature as in cinema, the subject of death penalty has been largely used. It can be seen in fantastic films such as The Green Mile by Frank Darabont, as well as in journalistic type of books, as in In Cold Blood by Truman Capote or in The Executioner's song by Norman Mailer, as well as many...

15 Oct. 2009

Business Strategy of consulting marketing firm "Le Tre Caravelle (tourism, real estate)"

Rapport de stage - 27 pages - Marketing tourisme

Le Tre Caravelle is a marketing company specialized in the field of tourism, hotel and real estate. This company, based in Milan, primarily works off line on advertising and events, such as "planning and management of multi-media campaign, stands and fairs", but also...