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24 mai 2014

Stage de gestion administrative et commerciale réalisé au Conseil Général de Digne-les-Bains

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Ressources humaines

Le Conseil Général subventionne un organisme qui s'appelle le CNAS (comité national d'actions sociales), qui offre une multitude d'avantages à ses adhérents. Cet organisme a été mis en place récemment, en 2010, au sein du Conseil Général. Ce dernier espérait que le CNAS comblerait...

03 avril 2008

Association Good Morning Vietnam (rapport de stage)

Rapport de stage - 18 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

J'ai passé l'été 2007 au Vietnam (à Hanoi) dans le cadre d'une mission humanitaire de l'association Good Morning Vietnam (loi 1901). Son but est d'aider le Vietnam à se développer grâce à l'octroi de micro-prêts et à l'enseignement du Français. L'objectif était de rendre visite aux familles...

09 Nov. 2020

Rapport de stage en tant qu'assistante chef de projet au sein de la société Impact Sales and Marketing

Rapport de stage - 21 pages - Management organisation

Dans le cadre de mon stage au sein de la société Impact Sales & Marketing j'ai été affectée à un poste d'assistante-chef de projet. L'entreprise Impact est une société par actions simplifiée à associé unique qui a été créée en 2004. Ses secteurs d'activités regroupent : le...

29 juil. 2010

L'étude et la mise en place d'une interconnexion de sites : cas des délégations de l'AGEPE connectées à la direction générale

Rapport de stage - 64 pages - Informatique

A l'heure de l'Internet, de la mondialisation, communiquer est devenu un enjeu major pour les entreprises. De plus en plus d'entreprises travaillent pour mettre en place des technologies d'interconnexions permettant des échanges de données entre les entités d'une entreprise...

15 mai 2020

Stage professionnalisant en tant qu'assistante chef de produit au sein de l'entreprise William Grant and Sons

Rapport de stage - 20 pages - Marketing produit

J'ai effectué mon stage professionnalisant au sein de l'entreprise William Grant & Sons entre le 1er juillet 2019 et le 31 décembre 2019 à Paris, au sein du siège France situé à Saint-Ouen. L'intitulé de mon stage était "Assistante chef de marque", je travaillais donc au sein du service marketing...

19 Nov. 2010

Rapport de stage chez PropertyLine International à Malte

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation

In Sight-Limited, la compagnie qui gère Propertyline a été créée en 1986. Les directeurs de la compagnie sont trois frères : Dr Clarence Busuttil (Directeur du Développement Commercial), Dr Graham Busuttil (Directeur Commercial) et Trafford Busuttil (Directeur Général). Ensemble, ils créent...

25 Janv. 2010

Rapport de stage en école primaire : les TICE

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Les nouvelles technologies (TIC) ont pris une place prépondérante dans notre société. Les TIC sont parfois utilisées par les enseignants à des fins éducatives. On parle alors de TICE, technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'éducation. Ainsi, 86 % des élèves utilisent...

25 févr. 2013

La mission de l'Assistant Sales Strategy and Operations au sein de la division ESSN de Hewlett Packard

Rapport de stage - 28 pages - Contrôle de gestion

Les marchés évoluent, la concurrence s'accroit, les technologies se multiplient et deviennent de plus en plus performantes. L'environnement est de plus en plus marqué par la croissance de l'information. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit HP, entreprise multinationale leader sur le marché de...

30 Janv. 2011

To what extent has European integration promoted security and stability in post-Cold War Europe?

Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes

According to E. Bomber and A. Stubb (2003) , the European integration is ‘a process by which sovereign states relinquish (surrender or pool) national sovereignty to maximize their collective power and interests.' We notice that European integration involves different...

30 Janv. 2011

EU enlargement (past and present) has arguably been a real achievement of the integration project but how far can the EU enlarge and will any potential problems outweigh the advantages?

Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Questions européennes

‘EU enlargement generally means increasing the size of the Union by incorporating additional members. This is a process that can take a number of years, as the candidate states attempt to align their economy and regulatory structures to those agreed to by the existing members. The...

06 févr. 2011

Tata Motors: Current and new business strategies

Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Management organisation

With USD 8.8 billion revenues in 2007-08, Tata Motors is the largest Indian automobile company; it holds a very good place on the Indian market because it is the leader in commercial vehicles and among the top three in passenger vehicles. The company is also the world's fourth largest...

04 Mars 2008

Comparative analysis of the key success factors in a public relations agency in GB and other countries. (Placement report)

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Management organisation

During June and July, I did my first internship in a public relations company based in London, called Bell Pottinger. I didn't know exactly what the challenges were in this field, so it was a chance to learn many new things. Chime Communications PLC is the holding company of 35...

20 Mars 2011

Diversity management and equal opportunities: Comparison of the two approaches

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Management organisation

Many types of initiatives have been taken by governments and organizations in order to promote women and minority groups. One that has been largely used for decades is the "equal opportunity" legislation. Equal opportunity is about assuring that every individual is treated on the...

11 avril 2011

The link between financial reporting and capital markets: Evaluating the extent of development and use of International Accounting Standards

Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Finance

“As capital markets play an increasingly central role in today's modern economies, policy-makers are confronted with the question of how to assure the continued effective functioning of these markets and, in particular, how to develop a sound financial reporting...

06 juin 2011

Human Resources Management Comparison: France and US

Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Ressources humaines

Human Resources Management, summed up recently by Storey, is "a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and...

01 Nov. 2011

International logistics and procurement (2010-2011)

Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Logistique

Definition of procurement: It can be defined as the purchase of goods or services at the optimum possible cost, in the correct amount and quality. These goods/services are also purchased at the correct time and location by signing a contract. Definition of logistics: It is to get...

14 Nov. 2011

Multinational business and globalization

Rapport de stage - 6 pages - Stratégie

Above all, let's start by explaining what globalization is. Many definitions exist some are too minimalist, others too general. The term used to describe the current state of the global economy has become a fashionable word. We retain that: “Globalization is a process (or set of...

17 Nov. 2011

Human Resource Management: Denmark and Japan

Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Ressources humaines

Human resource management is “A strategic approach to acquiring, utilizing and managing an organization's key resource-its People. HRM regards the creation of an environment, the continuous development, stakeholders' interests, and the management of change or the fact to...

23 Nov. 2011

Recruitment and selection

Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Ressources humaines

The process of recruitment and selection is fundamental within the function of Human resources. It defines itself as the research for candidates by taking into account the necessary adequacy between the needs of the company and the profiles of the candidates. The objective being...

05 Janv. 2012

The process of state and nation-building in Germany

Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Relations internationales

According to Waly and Denly, 'judged purely by its success in creating a nation-state, German history has to be deemed a failure until the nineteenth century'. Even though historians still argue over the beginning of Germany's history, some of them emphasize the importance of...

12 Nov. 2010

McDonald's: Strategic challenge and SWOT analysis

Rapport de stage - 47 pages - Stratégie

In the 90s, the firm had to cope with a number of challenges: The microwave oven, increasing health consciousness and competition. In 1999, as Jack Greenberg took over the reins of the firm, the situation was complicated due to competition between fast-food giants. McDonald's timelines:...

19 Janv. 2011

To what extent, if any, are Japanese people, culture and organizations transformed in overseas contexts?

Rapport de stage - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Japan is, and always has been, seen as a group of mysterious islands, of which people knew little about, due to its far location from Europe and America. Indeed, 250 years of almost complete isolation of the country, which started in the 18th Century (Tokugawa Era) did not help...

18 Nov. 2010

British airways SWOT and PESTL analysis

Rapport de stage - 44 pages - Stratégie

Support Activities: Infrastructure, Human Resource Management, Technology Development, Procurement.(the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and...

11 juil. 2011

John Major and the Single Currency

Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes

At a time of numerous issues about an Economic and Monetary Union between the European Countries, Britain, which was a powerful state in Europe, was led to consider the membership. Eventually, Britain joined the European Economic Community and the Economic and Monetary System...

24 juil. 2024

Stage d'orientation professionnelle en cabinet d'avocats

Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Droit des affaires

Le stage d'orientation professionnelle, qui sanctionne la fin de la seconde année académique du parcours international Business and Law, a été une découverte inestimable pour moi. Je n'avais pas de certitude quant au domaine dans lequel je souhaitais effectuer ce stage, ou encore...

25 Oct. 2010

McDonald's Company profile and SWOT analysis

Rapport de stage - 28 pages - Stratégie

Largest fast food chain in the world Our focus: - McDonald's America - McDonald's Thailand Founded in 1940 in San Bernardino, CA by Dick and Mac McDonald, McDonald's began franchising in 1955 with the implementation of “speedee service system”. The fast food chain is...

31 Janv. 2011

Tag Heuer Strategy: Comparative Analysis of Switzerland and UAE

Rapport de stage - 37 pages - Stratégie

Tag Heuer, which was founded in 1860, occupies a niche segment of the Swiss watch and clock industry, which was founded by Jean Calvin in Geneva towards the end of the 16th century. Watches constitute Switzerland's third biggest export (after chemicals and industrial machines)...

11 avril 2008

Webb ellis (and co.) café

Rapport de stage - 17 pages - Marketing produit

Le webb ellis and co a un fonctionnement très particulier dans l'accueil et le service des clients. Tout d'abord, le bar est divisé en plusieurs zones qui portent toutes un nom. Il y a la zone T1, T2, T3, T4 et T5, celles-ci concernent des tables en hauteur, après il y a l'arrière salle,...

23 juin 2011

Treaty of Rome and social policies

Rapport de stage - 1 pages - Relations internationales

On 25 March, 1957, six founders - France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg - signed the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), a common market with free movement of goods, capital, labor and services. In this paper, we will try to...

30 Nov. 2024

Étude de mix énergétiques compatibles avec les contextes insulaires - LERMAB Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches sur le Matériau Bois

Rapport de stage - 45 pages - Électronique, mécanique, ingénierie & technologie

Mon stage s'est déroulé au sein du Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches sur le Matériau Bois ou LERMAB, du 17 avril 2023 au 26 mai 2023. Ce laboratoire de l'Université de Lorraine se consacre à l'étude du bois et des fibres naturelles sous l'angle de plusieurs disciplines,...