To what extent has European integration promoted security and stability in post-Cold War Europe?
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions européennes
According to E. Bomber and A. Stubb (2003) , the European integration is a process by which sovereign states relinquish (surrender or pool) national sovereignty to maximize their collective power and interests.' We notice that European integration involves different institutions where...
Analysis of the shampoo market
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme
Beauty and hair care product business is witnessed as a popular and fast growing business. Lots of people spend on beauty and hair care products like shampoo, hair conditioner, hair treatment and so on. So a hair care product has a great potential market because it has a significant influence on...
Dorel Juvenile Group
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing produit
Dorel Juvenile Group is a part of Dorel Industries, which is a global consumer products company. Dorel Industries is divided into three independent business segments: Juvenile, Home Furnishings and Leisure. Dorel employs approximately 4,800 people and its products are sold over 60 countries all...
Rapport de stage "State Street Bank"
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Finance
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a sovereign state of 2 500 square kilometers bordered by Belgium, France and Germany. It has a population of over 455 000 of which 38.6 % are foreigners. The city of Luxembourg has a population of 77 300. Each working day, over 117 000 cross-border workers travel...
Organizational Behavior
Rapport de stage - 10 pages - Management organisation
I did a three-month internship in a real estate agency at Rennes. My main missions were to sell the company products, such as flats, land and houses. I also did some marketing tasks such as benchmarking and made a training course about negotiation and trade for employees. This internship and my...
Change management: The difficulties in applying change processes
Rapport de stage - 8 pages - Management organisation
When a company witnesses an important growth or change period, the entrepreneur and the executives needs to manage the changes and adapt the organization to its new expectations. They have to adapt the company to the new demand and ensure this expansion without damaging their global service and...
Overview of SWOT framework
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Management organisation
An organization often analyzes the following: How to develop a product, complete a project and solve a problem. The question then arises: How to carry out the above actions? The first step is to set a goal then define the objectives, constraints and finally describe the limits of the action (What...
The link between financial reporting and capital markets: Evaluating the extent of development and use of International Accounting Standards
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Finance
As capital markets play an increasingly central role in today's modern economies, policy-makers are confronted with the question of how to assure the continued effective functioning of these markets and, in particular, how to develop a sound financial reporting infrastructure....
Visual Arts Technician at the Drumcroon Gallery
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Arts
This report is constructed as follows: the first part presents the gallery explaining its functioning and its philosophy in order to make my role in the organization easier to understand in the second part. The third part of the report analyses the problems I had to face, and what I learnt during...
Rapport de stage en tant que webmarketeur dans un centre de formation web (One Big-Web)
Rapport de stage - 25 pages - Marketing technologies
La Société A Responsabilités Limitées (SARL) One Big Web au capital de 10.000 , située à Perpignan (66000) au 6 rue Camille Pelletan dans la région des Pyrénées-Orientales, a été créée en Janvier 2014. One Big Web est une entreprise innovante dont le but est de former des personnes sur...
Probation report: Six week training course at the Lannion local mission
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Psychologie
This report is a summary of my probation during my third year as faculty of the psychology department. This work had been requested by my faculty for the validation of my license in the year 2009-2010. I did this training course at the local mission of Lannion for six weeks, alternating this...
History of Britain before Shakespeare
Rapport de stage - 7 pages - Histoire contemporaine
Before 450 AD: Celtic Originally the populations of England were mixed, partly Neolithic and Celtic, Celts of Britonnic variety (the Britons), hence the first name of the island, Britannia when it was conquered by the Romans who only were stopped by the Scots up north. Between 450 and 650 AD:...
Rapport de stage en anglais sur un stage d'immersion linguistique
Rapport de stage - 13 pages - Management organisation
Rapport de stage en anglais d'immersion linguistique effectué au sein d'un centre de langue, le British Council à Casablanca au Maroc. Ce stage se résumait à des cours de business english.
Rapport de stage de gestion d'exploitation polycultures et élevage
Rapport de stage - 15 pages - Management organisation
For the end of my second year in Purpan, I've done my internship in a Montana Ranch.
Les enfants de nos clients, un secteur difficile à séduire et à fidéliser : apprentissage au sein du Crédit Agricole
Rapport de stage - 38 pages - Marketing bancaire
Avec plus de 1600 individus de moins de 25 ans (32,6 % de la population), la ville de Ribeauvillé confirme sa grande attractivité sur le marché des jeunes. Si les banques cherchent à capter la clientèle des jeunes, c'est davantage pour leurs profits futurs que pour la rentabilité immédiate. Les...
Méthodologie de la tenue de la comptabilité
Rapport de stage - 31 pages - Comptabilité
L'Ordre des Experts Comptables (OEC) a normalisé trois missions : la mission de présentation des comptes annuels, la mission d'examen des comptes annuels et la mission d'audit des comptes annuels. Parmi ces trois missions, la mission de présentation des comptes annuels, qui a spécialement retenu...
"Fraikin Locatime" - la location de véhicules pour les professionnels
Rapport de stage - 18 pages - Marketing des services
J'ai choisi de réaliser mon stage au sein de l'entreprise "Fraikin Locatime" situé à Istres. Cette entreprise est spécialisée dans la location de véhicules utilitaires, industriels et commerciaux pour les professionnels. En me renseignant sur le site Internet de Fraikin, j'avais pu m'apercevoir...
Rapport de stage effectué au sein d'un restaurant Mc Donald's situé à Sacramento en Californie
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Management organisation
La restauration rapide tient une place très importante aux États-Unis. Bien que l'on compte un nombre important d'enseignes de restauration rapide, on peut dire que deux d'entre elles se démarquent de la concurrence : d'une part, les restaurants Mc Donald's qui se trouvent en position de leader,...
La gestion des carrières administratives du personnel de l'ASECNA
Rapport de stage - 21 pages - Ressources humaines
Depuis leur création, la finalité de toute entreprise est de faire des profits. Pendant longtemps, cette finalité était parfois atteinte au détriment des travailleurs. Leur finalité sociale a été ainsi souvent occultée. Progressivement, cette finalité sociale a été reconnue sous l'influence de...
La commercialisation de la salle de réunion de l'hôtel Ibis de Metz Cathédrale
Rapport de stage - 28 pages - Marketing des services
Durant 8 semaines j'ai effectué mon stage au sein de l'hôtel Ibis Metz Cathédrale. Durant cette période je me suis occupée de commercialiser la salle de réunion de l'hôtel. En mars 2008 l'hôtel a connu un changement de direction. Cela a eu une grande influence sur la politique commerciale de...
Changes in corporate identity: Importance of 'image makeover' to organizations
Rapport de stage - 2 pages - Management organisation
From the basic wholesaler on the corner of your street to the strong multinational chocolate factory Ferrero, every organization has its own identity. According to Van Riel and Balmer (1997), identity presents the company's competitive advantage by putting forward its individuality regarding its...
La reconquête des clients à potentiel non-vus pour l'agence Caisse d'Epargne
Rapport de stage - 65 pages - Marketing consommateur
Fondée en 1818, à PARIS, par Benjamin DELESSERT et François DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULT-LIANCOURT, la Caisse d'Epargne avait pour but premier d'encourager l'épargne populaire lors d'une période difficile au niveau économique et social. La première Caisse d'Epargne est donc ouverte à...
Rapport de stage effectué dans un Mac Donald's aux Etats-Unis
Rapport de stage - 23 pages - Management organisation
Ce rapport de stage vous relate une expérience vécue dans un Mac Donald's aux Etats Unis. Il met en avant l'entreprise et son organisation, les différentes activités effectuées lors de ce stage ainsi que les difficultés rencontrées. Dossier idéal pour les étudiants désireux de partir à...
Analysis starch in fibre
Rapport de stage - 14 pages - Chimie
This document summarizes my training period at Tilbury in England. I chose this place in order to discover the English way of life and to improve my knowledge of English as well. I worked under the supervision of Andy Waterman and Tom Cripps and in collaboration with Renzi Virginie, on a method...
Learned centered approach
Rapport de stage - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
In the teaching process, there are two main categories of actors: teachers, and students. I found important to notice that, through years, the students' environment changed a lot (school violence, diversity of the population, etc.) and therefore their needs changed as well. In the Secondary...
International Work Experience - My Trip to Charleston, SC
Rapport de stage - 11 pages - Vie quotidienne
The second year of Marketing and European Management, within the international school of management IDRAC Lyon, begins with a cultural trip of two months, named International Work Experience. This stay, is not in a French-speaking country, and enables the students, on one hand, to discover a...
The company :Safety Matic
Rapport de stage - 9 pages - Marketing consommateur
During the second year in INSEEC Paris, we, the students have to fulfill a three month training period in a foreign country in a commercial function or any other function allowing us to ameliorate English, Spanish or the German language in order to have a concrete approach of foreign experience....
Tourism in South Africa
Rapport de stage - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
South Africa is the leading destination of the Africa continent with 9 million international tourists. The country is really opened up to tourism in during early 90's, at the end of apartheid regime. This activity, although recent, has known a considerable growth, due to an important rise...
Introduction to capital markets: Focus on Equity
Rapport de stage - 40 pages - Finance
This presentation provides an overview of Equity and Equity derivatives (definition, illustrated examples, stakeholders, etc.). This is a useful tool for students and professional operations in the capital markets (consultants, new joiners in the financial markets, etc.) to gain understanding of...
Integration of E-business within the company - The Redoute
Rapport de stage - 12 pages - Stratégie
The Redoute was created in the 1820s. In the past, it was a company specialized in woolen shadowing. Its founder, Charles Pollet, named it in honor of the street where the company was originally implanted, it was the street of The Redoute, in Roubaix, in the North of France. For more...